Seminar: S. Müller

Stefanie Müller, from Freiburg University will give a talk Friday 25th April at 1.30  in the meeting room at 7th level of bat B at the university. The title of the seminar :

 “Mitochondria and Plastids in Moss: From Quantitative

Proteomics to Dynamics”

Seminar: A. Lescure

A. Lescure, Research scientist from IBMC (Strasbourg) will give a talk Wednesday 23th April at 1.30  in the meeting room at 7th level of bat B at the university. The title of the seminar :

“Selenoproteins niche in redox regulation: the example of selenoprotein N”

Article: Frontiers in Plant Science

Genome analysis of poplar LRR-RLP gene clusters reveals RISP, a defense-related gene coding a candidate endogenous peptide elicitor. B Petre, S Hacquard, S Duplessis, N Rouhier. Frontiers in Plant Science


In plants, cell-surface receptors control immunity and development through the recognition of extracellular ligands. Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like proteins (LRR-RLPs) constitute a large multigene family of cell-surface receptors. Although this family has been intensively studied, a limited number of ligands has been identified so far, mostly because methods used for their identification and characterization are complex and fastidious. In this study, we combined genome and transcriptome analyses to describe the LRR-RLP gene family in the model tree poplar (Populus trichocarpa). In total, 82 LRR-RLP genes have been identified in P. trichocarpa genome, among which 66 are organized in clusters of up to seven members. In these clusters, LRR-RLP genes are interspersed by orphan, poplar-specific genes encoding small proteins of unknown function (SPUFs). In particular, the nine largest clusters of LRR-RLP genes (47 LRR-RLPs) include 71 SPUF genes that account for 59% of the non-LRR-RLP gene content within these clusters. Forty-four LRR-RLP and 55 SPUF genes are expressed in poplar leaves, mostly at low levels, except for members of some clusters that show higher and sometimes coordinated expression levels. Notably, wounding of poplar leaves strongly induced the expression of a defense SPUF gene named Rust-Induced Secreted protein (RISP) that has been previously reported as a marker of poplar defense responses. Interestingly, we show that the RISP-associated LRR-RLP gene is highly expressed in poplar leaves and slightly induced by wounding. Both gene promoters share a highly conserved region of ~300 nucleotides. This led us to hypothesize that the corresponding pair of proteins could be involved in poplar immunity, possibly as a ligand/receptor couple. In conclusion, we speculate that some poplar SPUFs, such as RISP, represent candidate endogenous peptide ligands of the associated LRR-RLPs and we discuss how to investigate further this hypothesis.

Article: Frontiers in Plant Science

Overview of the functional virulent genome of the coffee leaf rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix with an emphasis on early stages of infection
P Talhinhas, HG Azinheira, B Vieira, A Loureiro, S Tavares, D Batista, …
Frontiers in Plant Science

Hemileia vastatrix is the causal agent of coffee leaf rust, the most important disease of coffee Arabica. In this work, a 454-pyrosequencing transcriptome analysis of H. vastatrix germinating urediniospores (gU) and appressoria (Ap) was performed and compared to previously published in planta haustoria-rich (H) data. A total of 9234 transcripts were identified and annotated. Ca. 50% of these transcripts showed no significant homology to international databases. Only 784 sequences were shared by the three conditions, and 75% were exclusive of either gU (2146), Ap (1479) or H (3270). Relative transcript abundance and RT-qPCR analyses for a selection of genes indicated a particularly active metabolism, translational activity and production of new structures in the appressoria and intense signaling, transport, secretory activity and cellular multiplication in the germinating urediniospores, suggesting the onset of a plant-fungus dialogue as early as at the germ tube stage. Gene expression related to the production of carbohydrate-active enzymes and accumulation of glycerol in germinating urediniospores and appressoria suggests that combined lytic and physical mechanisms are involved in appressoria-mediated penetration. Besides contributing to the characterization of molecular processes leading to appressoria-mediated infection by rust fungi, these results point toward the identification of new H. vastatrix candidate virulence factors, with 516 genes predicted to encode secreted proteins. –

Article: Plant Signaling & Behavior

Putative roles of glutaredoxin-BolA holo-heterodimers in plants
T Dhalleine, N Rouhier, J Couturier. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9 (3), e28564


Several genomic analyses, high-throughput or targeted interaction studies including the purification of protein complexes indicated a physical and functional link between BolAs and monothiol glutaredoxins (Grxs) that is conserved both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In a recent work, we confirmed that several Arabidopsis protein couples, used as plant representatives, also physically interact. More interestingly, we determined that two BolA proteins, BolA2 and SufE1, contain a conserved cysteine that is sensitive to oxidizing treatments, unraveling a possible redox-control of BolA2 and SufE1 by monothiol glutaredoxins. By coexpressing physiological partners in E. coli, Grx-BolA heterodimers binding a labile, oxygen sensitive iron-sulfur cluster were isolated. Altogether, these results illustrate the existence of different modes of interaction between monothiol glutaredoxins and BolA proteins in plants and probably in other organisms. Incidentally, the function of each partner could be differentially modulated depending on the type of interaction.

Article: Physiologia plantarum

Adventitious root formation in tree species: involvement of transcription factors
V Legué, A Rigal, RP Bhalerao. Physiologia Plantarum


Adventitious rooting is an essential step in the vegetative propagation of economically important horticultural and woody species. Populus has emerged as an experimental model for studying processes that are important in tree growth and development. It is highly useful for molecular genetic analysis of adventitious roots in trees. In this short review, we will highlight the recent progress made in the identification of transcription factors involved in the control of adventitious rooting in woody species. Their regulation will be discussed.

PhD: Call for applications CJS 2014

Inra and the Doctoral School RP2E offer during 2014 one “Contrat Jeune Scientifique” (Young Scientist Contract) for 3 years (duration for completion of a PhD) followed by two years of postdoctoral research abroad. Research will take place at Nancy (France). Candidates may choose among four topics,  two of them being proposed by IAM scientists.


1- Functional characterization of a chloroplast-targeted candidate effector of the poplar rust pathogen Melampsora larici-populina: could the rust fungus hijack chloroplastic functions to achieve infection?

Contact: Sébastien Duplessis, Arnaud Hecker

2-Functional variability of the detoxification system in lignolytic fungi                          Contact: E. Gelhaye, M. Morel-Rouhier


Posted in Job


An integrated test of Natural-Enemy mediated tree BEta-DIVersity across South American rain forests (ANR blanc 2014-2017)

Le projet NEBEDIV constitue une évaluation exhaustive de la béta-diversité de la forêt tropicale à travers de larges gradients géographiques et environnementaux. Nous intégrerons non seulement des analyses à l’échelle de la parcelle de plus d’une centaine de communautés d’arbres à travers l’Amazonie mais aussi une première caractérisation des champignons du sol ainsi que des communautés d’insectes herbivores à cette échelle. De manière critique, nous examinerons les corrélations entre ces différentes communautés à travers les gradients spatio-temporels mais aussi déterminerons la spécialisation à l’hôte des communautés fongiques et des insectes herbivores. Pour ce faire, nous profiterons des travaux de phylogénie moléculaire considérables ainsi que des collaborations établies dans des projets internationaux antérieurs. Les bases de données et approches de modélisation que nous souhaitons développer dans NEBEDIV contribueront à améliorer de manière significative la compréhension des facteurs qui influencent le turn-over des espèces dans les forêts parmi les plus diverses de la planète.

UMR EcoFog Kourou (Christopher Baraloto et Heidy Schimann)
UMR IaM Nancy (Marc Buée, Benoît Marçais et Claude Husson)
UMR EDB Toulouse (Jerôme Chave, Jérome Murienne et Mélanie Roy)
UMR CEMAP Paris-Saclay (Hélène Morlon)

Projet: ReForRe

ReForRe: Niveau de recolonisation des forêts récentes par les champignons du sol et la flore herbacée des forêts anciennes du Nord de la France (Projet Biodiversité FRB Nord Pas de Calais)
Par les changements historiques d’usage des sols, les territoires forestiers et agricoles ont connu des déplacements importants. De nombreux travaux ont déjà montré que la continuité de l’état boisé joue un rôle fondamental dans les patrons de répartition actuels de la diversité, principalement pour les végétaux supérieurs. Ainsi, les espèces végétales des forêts anciennement cultivées sont très différentes de celles qui ne l’ont pas été, pour une date ancienne donnée.
Mais cet impact de l’usage ancien n’a quasiment pas été étudié pour d’autres groupes d’organismes, en particulier ceux intimement liés aux végétaux. Nous proposons donc d’analyser dans quelle mesure l’agriculture ancienne laisse des traces dans la diversité des cortèges d’espèces fongiques, acteurs majeurs de la fertilité des sols et de la croissance hydrominérale des plantes. Dans cet objectif, une première carte de l’ancienneté de l’état boisé de la région Nord-Pas de Calais sera donc établie à partir de la carte d’Etat-Major (première moitié du XIXe siècle) et comparée aux surfaces forestières actuelles. Nous étudierons alors les communautés fongiques dans 15 doublets de placettes : forêt ancienne / forêt récente éloignée, homogènes pour tout autre condition. Les espèces présentes seront caractérisées à la fois par des relevés répétés de carpophores et par analyse moléculaire de la litière et du sol (approche métagénomique).
– INRA-Université de Lorraine. Unité Ecologie et Ecophysiologie forestières (J.L. Dupouey, coordinateur) et Unité Interactions Arbres-Micro-organismes (M. Buée)
– Université de Lille II (R. Courtecuisse)
– Centre Régional de la Propriété Forestière Nord – Pas de Calais Picardie (J. Pargade)
– Université de Picardie Jules Verne (G. Decocq)

– Conseil Régional du Nord-Pas de Calais (M. Delcourte)