PhD: Call for applications CJS 2014

Inra and the Doctoral School RP2E offer during 2014 one “Contrat Jeune Scientifique” (Young Scientist Contract) for 3 years (duration for completion of a PhD) followed by two years of postdoctoral research abroad. Research will take place at Nancy (France). Candidates may choose among four topics,  two of them being proposed by IAM scientists.


1- Functional characterization of a chloroplast-targeted candidate effector of the poplar rust pathogen Melampsora larici-populina: could the rust fungus hijack chloroplastic functions to achieve infection?

Contact: Sébastien Duplessis, Arnaud Hecker

2-Functional variability of the detoxification system in lignolytic fungi                          Contact: E. Gelhaye, M. Morel-Rouhier
