2 new students: A. Pizelle and S. Casarrubia

Name PIZELLE Audrey  Audrey Pizelle1
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisor A. Hecker
Subject Contribution to the structural and functional analysis of RUS, a poplar protein conferring partial resistance to leaf rust
Type of study Licence Pro internship
Period February-May, 2014
Name CASARRUBIA Salvatore  Salvatore_Casarrubia1
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
In interaction with E.Martino/A. Kohler/C. Fourrey/F. Martin
Subject Looking for effector symbiosis-related proteins in the ericoid endomycorrhizal fungus Oidiodendron maius
Type of study Research stage (during the PhD thesis) in the framework of a collaboration project between the University of Turin and the Centre INRA of Nancy
Period March-July 2014