About us

The Joint Research Unit “Tree-Microorganism Interactions” (IAM), associating INRAE and Université de Lorraine, was founded in January 2001 by merging the INRA Forest Microbiology Laboratory and the Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy I) Laboratory of Forest Biology. In January 2005, the INRA Laboratory of Forest Pathology was added to the IAM unit. Since the merger in 2020 of INRA (the National Institute for Agricultural Research) and IRSTEA (the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture), the IAM Unit is now a Joint Unit between INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) and Université de Lorraine.

The IAM unit is located on two sites located about 20 kilometers apart:

  • At the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Université de Lorraine in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

fac des sciences

  • At the INRAE Grand Est Nancy campus in Champenoux

laboratoire-inra-tectoniques-7IAM’s functional structure organizes research into four teams; three are located in Champenoux while the fourth is situated in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy.

As of June 30th 2024, the IAM unit is comprised of 44 permanent staff members and of 31 non-permanent members including 7 post-doctoral positions, 16 PhD students and 6 technical non-permanent positions. In addition, around 10 Master students (M1 and M2) are welcomed per year into the unit. The students stay within the research teams during their internships of two months for the 1st year master students and for at least 5 months for the 2nd year students. During the last four years, we had the pleasure to host more than 50 international visiting researchers (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, scientific sabbatical leaves) and have been involved in the organization of around 40 international conferences and/or scientific workshops.