A seminar on assessing management scenarios in multifunctional forestry

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Multi-criteria Analysis —

Assessing different management scenarios in the context of ‘multifunctional forestry’ (evaluating technical tools, production systems, etc.) requires applying multiple simultaneous approaches in order to fully understand the different economic, environmental and social implications. It also serves to identify typically multiple (conflicting) objectives of stakeholders in the sector.

Multi-criteria Analysis is a framework of modeling methodologies designed to support scientists in complex decision-making environments. It explicitly considers (1) criteria selected to evaluate the studied scenarios, (2) indicators for these criteria and (3) aggregation rules defining preferences between different indicators. Provided explanations for these choices makes the method transparent and ensures that a positive exchange can take place between actors involved in the problematic being studied.

Multi-criteria Analysis is currently being widely used to assess agricultural production systems. A number of tools and methods of analysis have been developed in France and have allowed for greater development of operational decision support tools. These methods have to a lesser degree also been used in the context of natural environments and forest management.

The focus of this seminar —

This seminar will examine the full range of initiatives conducted in France by researchers and R&D teams who have used Multi-criteria Analysis in the context of natural resources management and forest planning with the view of opening a dialogue about what opportunities exist for putting in place a coordinated approach for using Multi-criteria Analysis to evaluate natural resources management and forest planning.


“Multi-criteria Analysis applied to natural resources management and forest planning”

Date : 23 June 2016
Time :
8h30 – 17h00
Place :  AgroParisTech, Nancy (Salle Jacomon)
LERFOB (Catherine Collet, Mériem Fournier, Holger Wernsdörfer, Corrine Martin)
Supported by : the INRA EFPA Department and LabEx ARBRE
Contact : collet@nancy.inra.fr  or  corinne.martin@agroparistech.fr
Registration :
This seminar is open to everyone. Online registration is required, please make sure you do so before June 1, 2016 by following this link :   Registration form

For more information, follow this link to download the program — AMC2 Program 

ARBRE 2016 CFP — The Award Winners

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The main objective of the LabEx ARBRE 2016 call for project proposals was to reinforce collaborative research between LabEx teams and other centers of excellence in Europe and North America. Ultimately to support original projects on the forefront of science or projects with high knowledge-transfer potential. For a full list of the 18 selected projects with links to their detailed summary pages, please follow this link :  LabEx ARBRE AAP 2016 — Awarded Projects


Predicting and understanding forest dynamics — ARBRE & RMT AFORCE launch 3 new projects










The 2015 joint call for proposals launched by the AFORCE network and LabEx ARBRE has resulted in the launch of three new knowledge-transfer projects. They focus on predictive mapping and modeling of forest dynamics :

  • IKSMAPS : Producing precalculated potential future distribution maps for the main species of French forests through IKS modeling
  • PRESTATION-NO : Spatial prediction for forest stations in northwestern France
  • SYLFORCLIM: Mediterranean and Alpine forests and climate change in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Learn more about the AFORCE network

In 2008, foresters and researchers joined forces to create AFORCE, a mixed technology research and development network (RMT) devoted to the adaptation of forests to climate change. AFORCE is a multi-stakeholder network: it brings together actors in research, development, management, education and training. Its mission is to provide forest managers with practical tools and support guides to help them make the best management choices.

ARBRE publication — Ecological Economics

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Research Unit — Forest Economics Laboratory (LEF)


Assesssing the cost-effectiveness of a biodiversity conservation policy:
A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts for forests
Hily E, Garcia S, Stenger A, Tu G. November 2015. Ecological Economics.

The Natura 2000 European Networking Program was established to promote long-term conservation of biodiversity across Europe, with particular focus on protecting species and habitats of local community interest. As a member state, France proposed to support direct involvement of local stakeholders in the network, notably land managers and land-owners responsible for natural, agricultural and forested areas by establishing contractual relationships with the State. By agreeing to the terms of a “Natura 2000 Contract”, land managers and land-owners commit to implementing conservation measures specifically designed to favor identifiable habitats or species at risk, and receive a payment in exchange.

The objective of this study was to evaluate “Natura 2000 Contracts” designed for forest environments by using a “cost-efficiency” approach. To do this, we looked at existing Natura 2000 contracts for forests between 2007 and 2010 to determine if by definition, they contributed to biodiversity conservation through a system of monetary incentive mechanisms paid to the contract beneficiary.

Screenshot 2016-02-09 13.13.42We performed statistical analysis of all Natura 2000 forest contracts signed between 2007 and 2010 in France. We successfully quantified biodiversity levels targeted by each contract using a biodiversity index accounting for three criteria: vulnerability and rarity of species and habitats targeted by the contract, as well as richness specific to targeted habitats and species. We also considered specific socioeconomic characteristics of forest managers and land owners together with their s environments (private or public in nature, local forestry production demands or specific land constraints), to effectively study possible future conflicts or synergy between biodiversity conservation and other activities conducted by contract beneficiaries (wood production, for example). In the end, were able to propose a bio-economical model combining a biodiversity conservation cost function with a biodiversity and wood production function.

Overall, our results emphasize the relevance and effectiveness of the Natura 2000 established objectives and may act as a decision support tool for policy recommendations related to contracts targeting, ultimately to enhance the cost-effectiveness of the incentive scheme.

SIFER 2016 — International Doctoral Course on Stable Isotopes

SIFER post April

Stable Isotopes in Forest Ecosystem Research
25-29 April
INRA Nancy-Lorraine Center


The University of Lorraine (RP2E Doctoral School) and the French National Insitute of Agricultural Research (INRA), within the framework of LabEx ARBRE, are organizing a fourth edition of the International Doctoral Course “Stable Isotopes in Forest Ecosystem Research” (SIFER). The week-long course will be held on the INRA Nancy-Lorraine campus in Champenoux from April 25 to April 29, 2016.

Many ecological processes that occur in forest ecosystems produce a distinct isotopic footprint which can then be used to trace the origin and transfer of major elements into ecological processes, to decipher the effects environmental changes have on metabolic pathways and to understand complex interactions between ecosystem compartments and ecological processes in trees, and more broadly, in forests. Environmental isotope techniques are proven tools for providing relevant information on forest ecosystems and is an area that is experiencing rapid technological advancement.

The primary objective of the SIFER doctoral course is to offer students with an introduction to how stable isotopes are used in forest ecosystem research. The conferences will provide an overview of the main stable isotopes for the carbon, nitrogen and water used in forest ecosystem research, the fractionation processes that affect the distribution of isotopes in different ecosystem compartments, and the use of isotopes (tracers and natural abundance) for modeling different spatial and temporal scales. Questions relating to instrumentation, technological choices and the quality of the measurements will also be addressed. Practical applications and digital exercises will be conducted throughout the week in small groups of students who will have the use of equipment belonging to the functional ecology technical platform.

SIFER is open to all PhD students worldwide currently working on stable isotopes and is not exclusive to studies focused on trees and forests. All courses will be held in English.

For more information, visit the SIFER homepageSIFER 2016

SURVIVORS — budding student researchers analyze their first results !

class survivors


On Thursday, January 28, SURVIVORS project team members met on-site with middle-school students at the Collège d’Einville au Jars.

SURVIVORS, a participatory research project :

Two years ago, 80 middle-school students at the collège d’Einville au Jars began their “Survivors” adventure : an original participatory research project was launched by a team of INRA researchers (the Joint Research Unit for Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology – UMR EEF) with support from LabEx ARBRE and the Nancy-Champenoux Center for Environmental Initiatives (CPIE). Accompanied by their teachers and researchers, these students actively participated in an experiment conducted in a Champenoux nursery aimed at understanding how young beech trees survive when faced with significant changes in their water-carbon-nitrogen functioning. To do this, each student became a sponsor for their own beech tree which they carefully defoliated (up to 75%) by following precise experimentation protocol.

Prior to their visit in January, the researchers provided the students, currently in their 3rd class, growth data of the beech trees that they had each sponsored. Each student had calculated the growth in diameter and height, the surface and the number of leaves on their trees which had been subjected to defoliation. Each of the three classes built models of allometric relationships with all of the sponsored trees. In class this last Thursday the project team tested the college students on their appropriation of the scientific approach. The researchers then presented other sets of results and discussed them with the students drawing specific attention to related mathematical concepts. The students completed a questionnaire in their research notebooks and will continue their analysis with their life Sciences teachers. The next meeting between these budding scientists and project researchers is set to take place in Champenoux, late May 2016.

4 survivors

Sans titre

ARBRE Conference — Jérôme Salse

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Jérôme Salse
Friday, 26 February
13h30 —
Main conference room, INRA Champenoux

On Friday, February 26, Jérôme Salse, Research Director for the Paleogenomics and Evolution (PaleoEvo) team with the Joint Research Unit on the Genetics, Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals (GDEC) – INRA, Clermont-Ferrand, and a specialist on the organization and evolution of plant genomes, will present a conference entitled: “Reconstruction of end uses of ancestral genomes of extinct plant and animal species”

Abstract :
In an attempt to unravel the structure and evolution of the cereal ancestor genome we have re-assed the synteny and duplications of the wheat, barley, rice, maize, Brachypodium and sorghum genomes to to identify and characterize shared duplications. We combined the data on the intra-genomic duplications with those on the colinear blocks and found duplicated segments that have been conserved at orthologous positions since the divergence of cereals. By conducting detailed analysis of the length, composition, and divergence time of the conserved duplications we identified common and lineage-specific patterns of conservation between the different genomes that allowed us to propose a model in which the grass genomes have evolved from a common ancestor with a basic number of five chromosomes (90 MYA) and then twelve chromosomes (60 MYA) through whole genome duplications (tetraploidization) and translocations followed by lineage specific segmental duplications, chromosome fusions and translocations (Salse et al. 2008, 2009; Abrouk et al. 2010; Murat et al. 2010). 

Follow this link to learn more about the PaleoEvo team  —  GDEC (PaléoEvo)

Click here for a complete list of Jérôme Salse’s publications : Publications

IURFRO 2016 — International Conference on Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics

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30 May – 2 June 2016
Palais des Congrès
Arachon, France


INRA is organizing a two-day international conference on the theme Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics. Researchers are invited to  present and discuss new scientific findings in the area of population, quantitative and evolutionary genetics and how they can be applied to genetic resource conservation and breeding. Participants are invited to submit contributions from empirical, experimental and theoretical works which address leading scientific and applied issues.

A decade after the first forest tree whole-genome sequencing was released and published (for the black cottonwood in 2006), rapidly advancing sequencing technology in ‘omics’ (which permits scientists to study populations without sacrificing the ability to analyze any individual component) and bioinformatics (the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes) have significantly improved our understanding on several fronts: (i) tree growth and development, (ii) the response of trees to intrinsic and extrinsic factors, the remarkable capacity buffering capacity of trees enabling them to cope with chronic stresses and extreme events, and (iii) the molecular basis of genetic variation within and between species, and how variation has been shaped by evolutionary forces and how that relates to phenotypic variation and adaptation.

Genomics is sure to play a major role in upcoming decades by furthering our understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved in the evolution and adaptation of these organisms, and contributing to developing and implementing innovations in management and policy actions aimed at preserving the adaptability of natural forests and intensively managed plantations. Knowledge acquired through the use of ‘omics’ technologies holds tremendous potential and could significantly impact how we help forests adapt to major future challenges (e.g. increases in wood demand, pressure to conserve forested areas, climate changes and associated threats).

For more information —

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ARBRE Interview — Joël Hamada

profile Joel 1_edited-1Joël Hamada is a PhD student working with two ARBRE labs, the Research Unit for the Study and Research of Wood Materials (LERMAB) at the University of Lorraine, and the Joint Research Unit for Forest and Wood Resource Studies (LERFOB). He is currently participating in the EVAQBT2 project. The topic of his research is “Effects of the natural variability of wood on the reactions of thermo-degradation involved in the heat treatment of wood in order to better control the process and the quality of the material obtained”.

Joël talked with us recently about his personal path as a researcher, where and when his interest in forest sciences began, and what brought him to study thermal wood treatment. Interestingly, Joël has the advantage of having worked in the forest products sector, which brings valuable perspective to his research. He is also fluent in Italian.

Follow this link to read the full interview.
ARBRE Interview — Joël Hamada