2 new students: A. Pizelle and S. Casarrubia

Name PIZELLE Audrey  Audrey Pizelle1
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisor A. Hecker
Subject Contribution to the structural and functional analysis of RUS, a poplar protein conferring partial resistance to leaf rust
Type of study Licence Pro internship
Period February-May, 2014
Name CASARRUBIA Salvatore  Salvatore_Casarrubia1
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
In interaction with E.Martino/A. Kohler/C. Fourrey/F. Martin
Subject Looking for effector symbiosis-related proteins in the ericoid endomycorrhizal fungus Oidiodendron maius
Type of study Research stage (during the PhD thesis) in the framework of a collaboration project between the University of Turin and the Centre INRA of Nancy
Period March-July 2014

Newcomer: Lindsay Godard

Name GODARD Lindsay  Lindsay GODARD
Position and team Technician – Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisor C. Husson
Subject Caracterisation of the susceptibility to P. alni of alders genotypes subjected or not to selection by the pathogen
Period March – April, 2014

New student: Leticia Perez Izquierdo

Name PEREZ IZQUIERDO Leticia  Leticia Perez Izquierdo1
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors M. Buée (INRA, Nancy) and A. Rincon (CSIC, Madrid)
Subject Study of factors structuring the ectomycorrhizal and soil fungal communities in Mediterranean forests
Type of study PhD student
Period March-May 2014

New student: Héma Fritz

Name Héma FRITZ  Héma_Fritz1
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors E.Martino/ A. Kohler, C. Fourrey
Subject Looking for effector symbiosis-related proteins in the ericoid endomycorrhizal fungus Oidiodendron maius
Type of study Master 2 Internship
Period February-August 2014

2 new students

Name Pierrick ROYER  Pierrick ROYER
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisor Marc Buée
Subject Ecology of fungal communities: impact of logging residues removal
Type of study/visit Master 2 Internship
Period January-July, 2014
Name Mélanie LAGOGUET  Mélanie LAGOGUET
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors Claude Murat and Herminia De la Varga
Subject Dynamic of the black truffle sexual reproduction in the Rollainville truffle orchards
Type of study/visit Licence Pro Internship
Period February-May, 2014

2 new students – Redox team

Name VALETTE Nicolas  Nicolas Valette
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisor M. Morel-Rouhier
Subject Functional characterization of small secreted proteins of lignolytic fungi.
Type of study/visit Master 2 training course
Period January-July, 2014
Name GROSJEAN Paul  Paul Grosjean
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisor N. Rouhier
Subject Biochemical characterization of glutaredoxin partners in Sinorizobium meliloti
Type of study/visit Master 2 training course
Period January-June, 2014

3 new students

Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisor S. Duplessis
Subject Functional analysis of Melampsora larici-populina candidate effectors by agroinfiltration in poplar
Type of study/visit Master 2 Internship
Period January-July, 2014
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisor A. Deveau
Subject Fonctional characterization of bacterial communities associated to the Black truffle Tuber melanosporum
Type of study/visit Master 2 Internship
Period January-July, 2014
Name JOBERT François  François JOBERT
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors C.Veneault-Fourrey/F.Martin/C. Pellegrin
Subject Functional analysis of symbiotic effectors
Type of study/visit Master 2 Internship (Montpellier)
Period January-June, 2014