Summer School FORMON

ICP Forests / SwissForestLab / NFZ.forestnet are pleased to announce that registration is open for the 2021 Summer School FORMON “Forest Monitoring to assess Forest Functioning under Air Pollution and Climate Change” in Davos, Switzerland, 22-28 August 2021

More info at:

PlantReDyn Workshop

Plant Reserve Dynamics Workshop

16-17 October 2013

Salle Aubergine – INRA, Champenoux



Context Perennial agro-ecosystems differ from natural ecosystems in that management and productivity issues impose repeated pollution disturbances (irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, etc). An increase in societal and environmental issues advocate for their reduction while maintaining productivity.   However, in a changing climate, to date the impacts of these reductions on productivity are not yet fully underestood, particularly for planted forests and the wider forest industry. Therefore, the study of long term changes on carbon (C), nitrogen (N), water, and sustainable productivity of agro-ecosystems, has become necessary in order to develop appropriate management strategies.

Objectives To further our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms that ensure stress resistance, survival and post-stress recovery and therefore the stability of productivity and persistence over time, a scientific consortium has been created, joining forces of ecophysiologists and modellers from various French scientific organizations (INRA, CIRAD, CNRS, Universities), working on forest trees, orchard trees, commercial poplar plantations, and perennial forage crops and from Mediterranean and temperate regions.

The PlantReDyn workshop (INRA Nancy, Oct. 17, 2013), will help us to finalize the project for 2014 (RESIST project: “Plant Reserve Dynamics: a key for perenniality and productivity of perennial agro-ecosystems under increased stresses”).

For the detailed workshop agenda please click here – Agenda