Stéphane De Mita

Research associate in population genetics


  • 2011-present: Junior Scientist at INRA Nancy.
  • 2010-2011: Post-doctoral fellow at IRD Montpellier.
  • 2007-2011: Post-doctoral fellow at Wageningen University.
  • 2003-2007: PhD student at INRA Montpellier.

Research interests

Evolutionary genetics: detection of natural selection in populations or in phylogenies, inference of demography using population genetics. Evolutionary biology: host-pathogen and host-symbiont coevolution. Programming: tools for simulations and analysis of sequence data analyses in Python and/or C++.


Mathieu Siol and I are developing the version 3 of EggLib for evolutionary genetics and genomics that incorporate tools for processing, analyzing and simulating population genetics data.