2 new students: L. Delfosse and D. Vrydagh

Name DELFOSSE Lucile  Lucile_Delfosse
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors P. Frey/M/ Pernaci
Subject Genetic mapping of life-history traits of poplar rust
Type of study Engineering internship (AgroParisTech-Engref)
Period 09/09/2013 – 28/02/2014
Name VRYDAGH Delphine  Delphine_Vrydagh
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
In interaction with/Supervisor B. Fabre
Subject Study of the effects of LED light on poplar growth and rust pathosystem
Type of study/visit BTS internship (BTS Horticole à la Haute Ecole Provinciale du Hainaut Condorcet à Ath, Belgique)
Period 16/09/2013 – 10/01/2014