Scientific papers

New articles

Laser microdissection and microarray analysis of Tuber melanosporum ectomycorrhizas reveal functional heterogeneity between mantle and Hartig net compartments (Stéphane Hacquard, Emilie Tisserant, Annick Brun, Valérie Legué, Francis Martin, Annegret Kohler) has been accepted in Environmental Microbiology

Xenomic networks variability and adaptation traits in wood decaying fungi (Mélanie Morel, Edgar Meux, Yann Mathieu, Anne Thuillier, Kamel Chibani, Luc Harvengt, Jean‐Pierre Jacquot, Eric Gelhaye) has been accepted in Microbial Biotechnology

Monothiol glutaredoxins and A-type proteins: partners in Fe–S cluster trafficking ( Daphne T Mapolelo, Bo Zhang, Sajini Randeniya, Angela-Nadia Albetel, Haoran Li, Jérémy Couturier, Caryn E Outten, Nicolas Rouhier, Michael K Johnson) has been published in Dalton Transactions