Doc and Post-Doc Day


Abstract book JDD 2017

SESSION 1 : Signalisation et mise en place de la symbiose / Signaling and symbiosis establishment

  • 9h30-9h50 : Feng ZHANG

Purification and characterization of a symbiosis-induced endocellulase from the ectomycorrhizal symbiont Laccaria bicolor

  • 9h55-10h15 : Maira DE FREITAS PERREIRA Secretome analysis from the ectomycorrhizal ascomycete Cenococcum geophilum


SESSION 2 : Approches moléculaires et intramoléculaires / Molecular and intramolecular approaches

  • 10h45-11h05 : Marie GROSDIDIER

Spatio-temporal modeling of invasive pathogen

  • 11h10-11h30 : Thomas PERROT

Study of the link between omega glutathione transferases and polyphenols: identification of ligands

  • 11h35-11h55 : Agathe MAUPETIT

Genomic consequences of a major selective event in the poplar rust

  • 12h00-12h20 : Elena HEGO

PAM mineralization by brown and white rot fungus strains




SESSION 3 : Impact des facteurs environnementaux sur les communautés microbiennes / Impact of edaphic parameters on microbial communities

  • 14h00-14h20 : Milena GONZALO

Understanding the molecular dialogues within forest soil microbial communities and investigating their impact on plant’s health and growth

  • 14h25-14h45 : Na WU

Microbial Community in the Rhizosphere of Populus cathayana at Chaka Salt Lake and Sex-specific Responses of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal P. cathayana to Salinity

  • 14h25-14h45 : François MAILLARD

Short term effects of leaf litter and dead wood harvesting on tree roots physiology and associated ectomycorrhizal corteges and on soil microbial taxonomic and functional diversity in temperate deciduous forest

SESSION 4: Exploration des génomes / Genome mining

  • 14h50-15h10 : Shingo MIYAUCHI

           Visualisation of genome-wide omics data with SHIN+GO

  • 15h15-15h35 : Cécile LORRAIN

Melampsora larici-populina v2.0: Re-evaluating the secretome of the poplar rust fungus combining transcriptomics and comparative genomics to target promising candidate effectors




  • Véronica BASSO

Effector proteins from a symbiotic fungus may target phytohormone signaling to favor colonization

  • Simone BELBONDO

AscoTube: in vitro and in situ unraveling truffle sexual reproduction using Ascobolus immersus as a test tube model

  • Cécile LORRAIN

The poplar rust fungus effector biology: challenges of functional characterization of effectors in a non-model pathosystem

  • Lauralie MANGEOT-PETER

Defense-related phytohormones alter the structuring of the root microbiome in Grey poplar

  • Duy Vuong NGUYEN

Generating the mutants of Phanerochaete chrysoporium RP 78 resistant to wood extractives for functional characterization of the detoxification system of white rot fungi

  • Océane NICOLITCH

Exploration of the functional and taxonomic diversity of the bacterial communities occurring in the bedrock/root interface of beech trees


Mitochondrial Arabidopsis thaliana NFU transfer proteins: cooperation with ISCA proteins to deliver [4Fe-4S] cluster to specific apo-targets

  • Mélanie ROLAND

The cellular maturation of iron-sulfur proteins in plants


Last newcomers

Name JOYAUX Mélanie
 Mélanie Joyaux
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors F. Todesco / C. Murat
Subject CulturTruf: quantification of truffle DNA in soils of orchards
Type of study BTS Internship
Period May-June, 2017
Name PETITJEAN Coralie
 Coralie Petitjean
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors B. Fabre / P. Frey
Subject Characterization of poplar resistances to poplar rust
Type of study Master 1 internship, Agrocampus Ouest – Angers
Period May-August, 2017
Name LECANUET Mathilde
 Mathide Lecanuet
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors A. Brun/P. Frey-Klett
Subject Design of communication supports for tick collection in the Citicks participatory research project
Type of study  Licence Sciences de la Vie, 3ème année, Univ. Lorraine
Period May-June, 2017

Book : Les Truffes

UnknownCet ouvrage est le fruit de près de quarante années de recherches sur les truffes. Il aborde le genre Tuber dans son ensemble. Il traite donc des truffes du monde, Europe, Asie et Amérique du Nord. Il décrit les différentes espèces, donne les caractères essentiels de leur écologie et traite ensuite de la paléogéographie et des relations existant entre les espèces des différents continents. Les différents aspects de la biologie du genre Tuber sont ensuite abordés : état symbiotique, génome, « brûlés », cycle sexué, nutrition carbonée et azotée, métabolisme secondaire, bactéries associées. Sont ensuite traitées les principales espèces comestibles et leur état de domestication dans une perspective historique. L’ouvrage intègre les nouvelles connaissances dans les itinéraires techniques des différents types de trufficulture en prenant en compte les progrès réalisés à la fois en Europe et en Australie. En annexe sont abordés des aspects plus techniques : mycorhization contrôlée, matière organique, eau, conduite de l’irrigation, changements climatiques, arômes artificiels. Ce livre est destiné à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux truffes, scientifiques, ingénieurs et techniciens, trufficulteurs ou amateurs.


Last newcomers

Name MAROUFI Mehdi
 Medhi Maaroufi
Position and team Engineer (CDD)
Supervisor A. Deveau
Subject Projet Coolwood – Colonization of wood by fungi during storage
Period May-August, 2017
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors O. Nicolitch / S. Uroz
Subject Impact of nutritive cation amendment on the taxonomic and functional structure of the soil bacterial communities in controled conditions
Type of study Internship Master Student (M1)
Period April-June, 2017
Teams Ecogenomics of interactions team/ Museum d’Histoire Naturelle
In interaction with C. Murat, A. Deveau
Supervisor : Marc-André Selosse (Museum d’Histoire Naturelle)
Subject Reproduction and ecology of Black truffle
Type of visit PhD student, coming from Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Period May, 2017- May, 2018 (short stays)
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors C. Husson / B. Marçais
Subject Impact of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in ash regenerations and riparian stands
Type of study Internship Master1 FAGE UL
Period April-July, 2017
Name HEHN Pauline
 Pauline Henn
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors M. Grosdidier / B. Marçais
Subject Impact of landscape on ash dieback severity
Type of study Internship Master 1 FAGE
Period April-June, 2017