2 new PdD students: Lauralie Mangeot-Peter & Milena Gonzalo

Team Ecogenomics of interactions team/Dynamic
Supervisors Bertrand Aigle/A. Deveau
Subject of thesis Understanding the molecular dialogues within forest soil microbial communities and investigating their impact on plant health and growth
Period 10/2016 – 09/2019
Name MANGEOT-PETER Lauralie  Lauralie Mangeot-Peter
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors F. Martin/A. Deveau
Subject of thesis Role of defense phytohormones in the structure Poplar microbiome
Period 10/2016-09/2019

Newcomers: Myriam Delaruelle & François Rittié

Name RITTIE François  Rittie François
Position and team Technical assistant
Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisor B. Fabre
Subject Maintaining of plant production in nursery and greenhouses
Period June 13- 8 July 8, 2016
Name DELARUELLE Myriam  Myriam Delaruelle
Position and team Engineer assistant
Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors E. Morin/F. Martin
Subject Gestion de bases de données transcriptomiques
Period June 15 – August 14, 2016

Last newcomers

Name THOIRAIN Cloé  Thoirain Cloé
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisor B. Fabre
Subject Maintaining of plant production in nursery and greenhouses
Type of study BTS internship (1st year of horticultural study-Nantes)
Period June 16- July 13, 2016
Name LETANNEUR Claire  Letanneur Claire
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors A Kohler/F Martin
Subject The Transcriptomic landscape of Agaricomycotina with a focus on Cazymes
Type of study Bachelor (licence level) – University of Québec Trois-Rivières
Website: http://www.germainhugo.com/
Period June – July, 2016
Name MASSICOTTE Marie-Ange  Marie-Ange Massicotte
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisor S. Duplessis
Subject Contribution to the functional analysis of candidate effectors of the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina
Type of study Bachelor (licence level) – University of Québec Trois-Rivières
Website: http://www.germainhugo.com/
Period June – July, 2016

Newcomer: Delphine NOEL

Name NOEL Delphine  Delphine Noël
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisor R. Sormani
Subject Physiological characterisation of Phanerochaete chrysosporium mutants
Type of study Internship (L2)
Period June 2016

Newcomer: Bertrand Even

Name EVEN Bertrand  Bertrand EVEN
Team Stress response and redox regulation team
Supervisors N. Valette / M. Morel-Rouhier
Subject Responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to oak extractives
Type of study M1 BioMane Internship
Period April-May, 2016