Newcomer: Lindsay Godard

Name GODARD Lindsay  Lindsay Godard
Position and team Technician, Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisor M. Buée
Subject Recolonization of recent forests by soil fungi and herbaceous flora from ancient forests
Period November– December, 2014

Newcomer: Emilie HOSCHEIT

Name HOSCHEIT Emilie  Hosheit Emilie
Position and team BTS work-study contract, Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisor O. Caël
Subject Impact de l’agent pathogène invasif Chalara fraxinea. BTS gestion forestière
Period September, 2014 – September, 2016

New Ph.D. student (CJS)

Name LORRAIN Cécile  cecile-lorrain
Teams Ecogenomics of interactions/Stress response and redox regulation teams
Supervisors S. Duplessis/A. Hecker
Subject of thesis Functional analysis of poplar rust candidate effectors targeting chloroplasts
Period 10/2014-09/2017