Article: Mycorrhiza

Biotrophic transportome in mutualistic plant–fungal interactions
L Casieri, NA Lahmidi, J Doidy, C Veneault-Fourrey, A Migeon, L Bonneau, PE …
Mycorrhiza, 1-29


Understanding the mechanisms that underlie nutrient use efficiency and carbon allocation along with mycorrhizal interactions is critical for managing croplands and forests soundly. Indeed, nutrient availability, uptake and exchange in biotrophic interactions drive plant growth and modulate biomass allocation. These parameters are crucial for plant yield, a major issue in the context of high biomass production. Transport processes across the polarized membrane interfaces are of major importance in the functioning of the established mycorrhizal association as the symbiotic relationship is based on a ‘fair trade’ between the fungus and the host plant. Nutrient and/or metabolite uptake and exchanges, at biotrophic interfaces, are controlled by membrane transporters whose regulation patterns are essential for determining the outcome of plant–fungus interactions and adapting to changes in soil nutrient quantity and/or quality. In the present review, we summarize the current state of the art regarding transport systems in the two major forms of mycorrhiza, namely ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhiza.

Article: New Phytologist

Fine‐scale spatial genetic structure of the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) investigated with neutral microsatellites and functional mating type genes
C Murat, A Rubini, C Riccioni, H la Varga, E Akroume, B Belfiori, M Guaragno …
New Phytologist


  • ectomycorrhizas;
  • genets;
  • genetic structure;
  • intraspecific competition;
  • sexual reproduction;
  • truffle


  • The genetic structure of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal populations results from both vegetative and sexual propagation. In this study, we have analysed the spatial genetic structure of Tuber melanosporum populations, a heterothallic ascomycete that produces edible fruit bodies.
  • Ectomycorrhizas from oaks and hazels from two orchards were mapped and genotyped using simple sequence repeat markers and the mating type locus. The distribution of the two T. melanosporum mating types was also monitored in the soil. In one orchard, the genetic profiles of the ascocarps were compared with those of the underlying mycorrhizas.
  • A pronounced spatial genetic structure was found. The maximum genet sizes were 2.35 and 4.70 m in the two orchards, with most manifesting a size < 1 m. Few genets persisted throughout two seasons. A nonrandom distribution pattern of the T. melanosporumwas observed, resulting in field patches colonized by genets that shared the same mating types.
  • Our findings suggest that competition occurs between genets and provide basic information on T. melanosporum propagation patterns that are relevant for the management of productive truffle orchards.

Article: Frontiers in Plant Proteomics

Cysteine-based redox regulation and signalling in plants J. Couturier, K. Chibani, JP Jacquot Jacquot and N. Rouhier. Frontiers in Plant Proteomics

Living organisms are subjected to oxidative stress conditions which are characterized by the production of reactive oxygen (ROS), nitrogen (RNS) and sulfur (RSS) species. In plants as in other organisms, many of these compounds have a dual function as they damage different types of macromolecules but they also likely fulfil an important role as secondary messengers. Owing to the reactivity of their thiol groups, some protein cysteine residues are particularly prone to oxidation by these molecules. In the past years, besides their recognized catalytic and regulatory functions, the modification of cysteine thiol group was increasingly viewed as either protective or redox signalling mechanisms. The most physiologically relevant reversible redox post-translational modifications (PTMs) are disulfide bonds, sulfenic acids, S-glutathionylated adducts, S-nitrosothiols and to a lesser extent S-sulfenylamides, thiosulfinates and S-persulfides. These redox PTMs are mostly controlled by two oxidoreductase families, thioredoxins and glutaredoxins. This review focuses on recent advances highlighting the variety and physiological roles of these PTMs and the proteomic strategies used for their detection.

New paper

Microbe-independent entry of oomycete RxLR effectors and fungal RxLR-like effectors into plant and animal cells is specific and reproducible
BM Tyler, SD Kale, Q Wang, K Tao, HR Clark, K Drews, V Antignani, A Rumore …
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

A wide diversity of pathogens and mutualists of plant and animal hosts, including oomycetes and fungi, produce effector proteins that enter the cytoplasm of host cells. A major question has been whether or not entry by these effectors can occur independently of the microbe or requires machinery provided by the microbe. Numerous publications have documented that oomycete RxLR effectors and fungal RxLR-like effectors can enter plant and animal cells independent of the microbe. A recent re-examination of whether the RxLR domain of oomycete RxLR effectors is sufficient for microbe-independent entry into host cells, concluded that the RxLR domains of P. infestans Avr3a and of P. sojae Avr1b alone are NOT sufficient to enable microbe-independent entry of proteins into host and non-host plant and animal cells. Here we present new, more detailed data that unambiguously demonstrate that the RxLR domain of Avr1b does show efficient and specific entry into soybean root cells, and also into wheat leaf cells, at levels well above background non-specific entry. We also summarize host cell entry experiments with a wide diversity of oomycete and fungal effectors with RxLR or RxLR-like motifs that have been independently carried out by the six different labs that co-authored this letter. Finally we discuss possible technical reasons why specific cell entry may have been not detected.

New paper

Who is Controlling whom within the Ectomycorrhizal Symbiosis: Insights from Genomic and Functional Analyses
C Veneault‐Fourrey, JM Plett, F Martin
Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere: Volume 1 & 2, 501-512


  • ectomycorrhiza;
  • eukaryotic symbiosis;
  • effectors;
  • genomics;
  • nutrient exchanges


During a lifetime that can span several hundred years, a tree will be challenged by generations of parasites and will encounter a host of different limitations related to nutrition that will affect its growth and health. Concurrently, in different soil horizons, thousands of fungi vie with each other for a limited nutrient pool. In order to avoid competition, a wide range of plants and fungi have evolved the ability to form a mutualistic relationship – a niche market where the fungus provides nutrients not normally bioavailable to the plant in exchange for plant photosynthate. One class of mutualistic fungi is the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. This group of fungi, thought to have evolved from saprotrophic fungi, grows into the apoplast of the host root without disturbing plant cell integrity or the host defense response. In this review, we will focus our attention on the evolutionary history of ECM fungi, how their genomes differ from their saprotrophic cousins, and how unique aspects of their genomic repertoire allow them to colonize the niche of the plant root. A better understanding of the biology of ECM fungi will be important in the future to inform models of sustainable forest management and to improve the productivity of tree plantations in marginal soils.

Seminar E. Martino

Vendredi 5 avril – 13h30

Elena Martino (IaM/Université de Turin)

“Ericoid endomycorrhizal fungi: from the study of the stress tolerance mechanisms to the study of the interaction with the host plant”

 Salle de conférence INRA

Redox meeting

Redox on the Rise!

 Redox Biology Symposium, Kaiserslautern, UniGR-Redox_Symposium_Poster-1April 11-12, 2013

Redox processes are of pivotal relevance for all cellular functions. The analyses of redox reactions has a long history but only the recent technical advances for example in the visualization of intracellular redox changes or in the proteome-wide determination of oxidative modifications showed the impressive relevance of redox process for all aspects of life sciences, ranging from basic research in biology to applied biotechnology and medicine. The biochemical principles as well as the physiologic roles of redox processes are studied by a large number of research groups working at universities of the Greater Region (Homburg, Liège, Luxembourg, Kaiserslautern, Metz, Nancy, Saarbrücken and Trier). The idea of this symposium is it to bring professors, postdocs and PhD students of these universities together to provide an overview on the research on redox biology in the Greater Region, to identify potential common interests and foster the interaction among researchers. In addition to the presentation of research projects of the participants in form of talks and posters there will be time to discuss possible strategies for further collaborations of the groups and the potential for the acquisition of research grants from national or European funding agencies.

Organized by

Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Dr. Markus Hoth Universität des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Jacquot, Université de Lorraine, France