Article: Research in Microbiology

A short-term mineral amendment impacts the mineral weathering bacterial communities in an acidic forest soil
C Lepleux, S Uroz, C Collignon, JL Churin, MP Turpault, P Frey-Klett
Research in microbiology


Mineral amendment (i.e. calcium, phosphorous, potassium and/or magnesium) is a management practice used in forestry to improve nutrient availability and recover soil fertility, especially in nutrient-poor forest ecosystems. However, whether this amendment can lead to modifications of the soil characteristics and an improvement in tree growth, and its impact on the soil bacterial communities, especially the mineral weathering bacterial communities, remains poorly documented. In this study, we investigated the short-term impact of a mineral amendment on the taxonomic and functional structure of the mineral weathering bacterial communities. To do this, a plantation of four-year old oak (Quercus petraea) trees amended with or without dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] was established in the experimental forest site of Breuil-Chenue, which is characterized by an acidic soil and a low availability of calcium and magnesium. Three years after amendment, soil samples were used to isolate bacteria as well as to determine the soil characteristics and the metabolic potentials of these soil microbial communities. Based on a bioassay for quantifying the solubilisation of inorganic phosphorous, we demonstrate that the bacterial isolates coming from the non-amended bulk soil were significantly more efficient than those from the amended bulk soil. No difference was observed between the bacterial isolates coming from the amended and non-amended rhizospheres. Notably, the taxonomic analyses revealed a dominance of bacterial isolates belonging to the Burkholderia genus in both samples. Overall, our results suggest that the bioavailability of nutritive cations into soil impacts the distribution and the efficacy of mineral weathering bacterial communities coming from the soil but not those coming from the rhizosphere.


  • Acidic forest soil;
  • Bacterial communities;
  • Cultivation-dependent approach;
  • Mineral amendment;
  • Mineral weathering;
  • Oak plantation

PhD Defense: A. Thuillier

The defense will be held the 31th october 2013 at 9H00 in Amphitheater 7, Faculté des Sciences, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, Vandoeuvre


Phanerochaete chrysosporium is a forest fungus being part of saprophytic organisms able to recycle dead organic matter. Thanks to the excretion of numerous wood decaying enzymes, and especially lignin peroxidases, this fungus is able to break down plant material including lignin, a complex polymer of phenolic compounds. Lignin removal allows the release of other wood components such as cellulose and hemicellulose, which can be further used in paper industry or to produce second generation bioethanol. The structure of intermediates and products from lignin decomposition is close to that of numerous pollutants making P. chrysosporium biotechnologically interesting for bioremediation purposes. Moreover, the fungus has to deal with more or less toxic compounds created by degradation mechanisms. It thus developed a detoxification pathway involving enzymes including cytochrome P450 monooxygenases and glutathione transferases (GST). Ure2p enzymes belong to an extended GST class in Phanerochaete genus as well as in other saprophytic basidiomycetes. Their study based on phylogenetic, biochemical, structural and transcriptomic approaches provides a better understanding of evolution mechanisms of a class of enzymes potentially subject to strong selection selection pressure.

Keywords: saprophytic fungi, wood degradation, glutathione transferases, xenobiotics, detoxification, evolution


Phanerochaete chrysosporium est un champignon forestier faisant partie des organismes saprophytes capables de recycler la matière organique morte. Grâce à l’excrétion de nombreuses enzymes de dégradation, en particulier des lignine peroxydases, il est capable de décomposer la matière végétale dont la lignine, un polymère complexe de composés phénoliques très résistant. L’élimination de la lignine permet la libération des autres composants du bois tels que la cellulose et l’hémicellulose qui peuvent être utilisés dans l’industrie papetière ou pour la production de bioéthanol de deuxième génération. La structure des intermédiaires et produits de dégradation de la lignine est souvent proche de celle de nombreux polluants, d’où l’intérêt biotechnologique de P. chrysosporium dans les processus de bioremédiation. Cependant, les systèmes de dégradation engendrent des composés plus ou moins toxiques pour le champignon et contre lesquels il doit faire face. C’est pourquoi il a développé un système de détoxication impliquant des enzymes telles que les cytochrome P450 monooxygénases ou encore les glutathion transférases (GST). Les Ure2p forment une classe de GST étendue chez Phanerochaete et d’autres basidiomycètes saprophytes. Leur étude par des approches phylogénétiques, biochimiques, structurales et transcriptomiques a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d’évolution que peut subir une classe d’enzymes potentiellement soumises à une forte pression de sélection.

Mots clés : champignons saprophytes, dégradation du bois, glutathion transférases, xénobiotiques, détoxication, evolution

Article: Environmental Microbiology

Black truffle‐associated bacterial communities during the development and maturation of Tuber melanosporum ascocarps and putative functional roles
S Antony‐Babu, A Deveau, JD Van Nostrand, J Zhou, F Le Tacon, C Robin, P …
Environmental Microbiology


Although truffles are cultivated since decades, their life cycle and the conditions stimulating ascocarp formation still remain mysterious. A role for bacteria in the development of several truffle species have been suggested but few is known regarding the natural bacterial communities of Périgord Black truffle. Thus, the aim of this study was to decipher the structure and the functional potential of the bacterial communities associated to the Black truffle in the course of its life-cycle and along truffle maturation. A polyphasic approach combining 454-pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene, TTGE, in situ hybridization and functional GeoChip 3.0 revealed that Black truffle ascocarps provide a habitat to complex bacterial communities, which are clearly differentiated from those of the surrounding soil and the ectomycorrhizosphere. The composition of these communities is dynamic and evolves during the maturation of the ascocarps with an enrichment of specific taxa and a differentiation of the gleba and peridium-associated bacterial communities. Genes related to nitrogen and sulphur cycling were enriched in the ascocarps. Together, these data paint a new picture of the interactions existing between truffle and bacteria and of the potential role of these bacteria in truffle maturation.

La symbiose mycorhizienne


Une association entre les plantes et les champignons



1622Jean Garbaye Auteur Edition 2013

Nombre de plantes vertes terrestres vivent en association intime et mutualiste avec des champignons liés aux racines sous la forme d’organes mixtes appelés mycorhizes. Première synthèse approfondie et exhaustive en français sur le sujet, cet ouvrage présente les découvertes fondamentales les plus récentes et leurs applications pratiques en agronomie, horticulture, sylviculture et conservation des espaces naturels.

Article: BMC Genomics

Carbohydrate utilization and metabolism is highly differentiated in Agaricus bisporus A Patyshakuliyeva, E Jurak, A Kohler, A Baker,E  Battaglia, de Bruijn W,… BMC Genomics 2013, 14:663

Abstract (provisional)


Agaricus bisporus is commercially grown on compost, in which the available carbon sources consist mainly of plant-derived polysaccharides that are built out of various different constituent monosaccharides. The major constituent monosaccharides of these polysaccharides are glucose, xylose, and arabinose, while smaller amounts of galactose, glucuronic acid, rhamnose and mannose are also present.


In this study, genes encoding putative enzymes from carbon metabolism were identified and their expression was studied in different growth stages of A. bisporus. We correlated the expression of genes encoding plant and fungal polysaccharide modifying enzymes identified in the A. bisporus genome to the soluble carbohydrates and the composition of mycelium grown compost, casing layer and fruiting bodies.


The compost grown vegetative mycelium of A. bisporus consumes a wide variety of monosaccharides. However, in fruiting bodies only hexose catabolism occurs, and no accumulation of other sugars was observed. This suggests that only hexoses or their conversion products are transported from the vegetative mycelium to the fruiting body, while the other sugars likely provide energy for growth and maintenance of the vegetative mycelium. Clear correlations were found between expression of the genes and composition of carbohydrates. Genes encoding plant cell wall polysaccharide degrading enzymes were mainly expressed in compost-grown mycelium, and largely absent in fruiting bodies. In contrast, genes encoding fungal cell wall polysaccharide modifying enzymes were expressed in both fruiting bodies and vegetative mycelium, but different gene sets were expressed in these samples.