Article: PLoS ONE

Leaf and Root-Associated Fungal Assemblages Do Not Follow Similar Elevational Diversity Patterns.

A Coince, T Cordier, J Lengellé, E Defossez, C Vacher, C Robin, M Buée, … PLOS ONE 9 (6), e100668.


The diversity of fungi along environmental gradients has been little explored in contrast to plants and animals. Consequently, environmental factors influencing the composition of fungal assemblages are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine whether the diversity and composition of leaf and root-associated fungal assemblages vary with elevation and to investigate potential explanatory variables. High-throughput sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 region was used to explore fungal assemblages along three elevation gradients, located in French mountainous regions. Beech forest was selected as a study system to minimise the host effect. The variation in species richness and specific composition was investigated for ascomycetes and basidiomycetes assemblages with a particular focus on root-associated ectomycorrhizal fungi. The richness of fungal communities associated with leaves or roots did not significantly relate to any of the tested environmental drivers, i.e.elevation, mean temperature, precipitation or edaphic variables such as soil pH or the ratio carbon:nitrogen. Nevertheless, the ascomycete species richness peaked at mid-temperature, illustrating a mid-domain effect model. We found that leaf and root-associated fungal assemblages did not follow similar patterns of composition with elevation. While the composition of the leaf-associated fungal assemblage correlated primarily with the mean annual temperature, the composition of root-associated fungal assemblage was explained equally by soil pH and by temperature. The ectomycorrhizal composition was also related to these variables. Our results therefore suggest that above and below-ground fungal assemblages are not controlled by the same main environmental variables. This may be due to the larger amplitude of climatic variables in the tree foliage compared to the soil environment.


Seminar: L. Parizadeh/C. Lorrain

Friday 4th July
Leila Parizadeh (IaM) & Cécile Lorrain (IaM/Sainsbury Lab)
« Analyse fonctionnelle des effecteurs candidats du champignon M. larici populina, l’agent responsable de la maladie de la rouille foliaire » (Leila Parizadeh)
«  A family of rust fungal candidate secreted effector proteins targets chloroplasts » (Cécile Lorrain)
Salle de réunion LGEF / Visio UHP

Article: PNAS

Extensive sampling of basidiomycete genomes demonstrates inadequacy of the white-rot/brown-rot paradigm for wood decay fungi

R. Riley, A A. Salamov, D.W. Brown, L.G. Nagyc, …


Wood decay fungi have historically been characterized as either white rot, which degrade all components of plant cell walls, including lignin, or brown rot, which leave lignin largely intact. Genomic analyses have shown that white-rot species possess multiple lignin-degrading peroxidases (PODs) and expanded suites of enzymes attacking crystalline cellulose. To test the adequacy of the white/brown-rot categories, we analyzed 33 fungal genomes. Some species lack PODs, and thus resemble brown-rot fungi, but possess the cellulose-degrading apparatus typical of white-rot fungi. Moreover, they appear to degrade lignin, based on decay analyses on wood wafers. Our results indicate that the prevailing paradigm of white rot vs. brown rot does not capture the diversity of fungal wood decay mechanisms.


Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) make up 32% of the described fungi and include most wood-decaying species, as well as pathogens and mutualistic symbionts. Wood-decaying basidiomycetes have typically been classified as either white rot or brown rot, based on the ability (in white rot only) to degrade lignin along with cellulose and hemicellulose. Prior genomic comparisons suggested that the two decay modes can be distinguished based on the presence or absence of ligninolytic class II peroxidases (PODs), as well as the abundance of enzymes acting directly on crystalline cellulose (reduced in brown rot). To assess the generality of the white-rot/brown-rot classification paradigm, we compared the genomes of 33 basidiomycetes, including four newly sequenced wood decayers, and performed phylogenetically informed principal-components analysis (PCA) of a broad range of gene families encoding plant biomass-degrading enzymes. The newly sequenced Botryobasidium botryosum and Jaapia argillacea genomes lack PODs but possess diverse enzymes acting on crystalline cellulose, and they group close to the model white-rot species Phanerochaete chrysosporium in the PCA. Furthermore, laboratory assays showed that both B. botryosum and J. argillaceacan degrade all polymeric components of woody plant cell walls, a characteristic of white rot. We also found expansions in reducing polyketide synthase genes specific to the brown-rot fungi. Our results suggest a continuum rather than a dichotomy between the white-rot and brown-rot modes of wood decay. A more nuanced categorization of rot types is needed, based on an improved understanding of the genomics and biochemistry of wood decay.


Article: BMC genomics

The genome of the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus: a basidiomycete model with a versatile arsenal for lignocellulosic biomass breakdown
A Levasseur, A Lomascolo, O Chabrol, FJ Ruiz-Dueñas, E Boukhris-Uzan, …
BMC genomics 15 (1), 486


Saprophytic filamentous fungi are ubiquitous micro-organisms that play an essential role in photosynthetic carbon recycling. The wood-decayer Pycnoporus cinnabarinus is a model fungus for the study of plant cell wall decomposition and is used for a number of applications in green and white biotechnology.


The 33.6 megabase genome of P. cinnabarinus was sequenced and assembled, and the 10,442 predicted genes were functionally annotated using a phylogenomic procedure. In-depth analyses were carried out for the numerous enzyme families involved in lignocellulosic biomass breakdown, for protein secretion and glycosylation pathways, and for mating type. The P. cinnabarinus genome sequence revealed a consistent repertoire of genes shared with wood-decaying basidiomycetes. P. cinnabarinus is thus fully equipped with the classical families involved in cellulose and hemicellulose degradation, whereas its pectinolytic repertoire appears relatively limited. In addition, P. cinnabarinus possesses a complete versatile enzymatic arsenal for lignin breakdown. We identified several genes encoding members of the three ligninolytic peroxidase types, namely lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and versatile peroxidase. Comparative genome analyses were performed in fungi displaying different nutritional strategies (white-rot and brown-rot modes of decay). P. cinnabarinus presents a typical distribution of all the specific families found in the white-rot life style. Growth profiling of P. cinnabarinus was performed on 35 carbon sources including simple and complex substrates to study substrate utilization and preferences. P. cinnabarinus grew faster on crude plant substrates than on pure, mono- or polysaccharide substrates. Finally, proteomic analyses were conducted from liquid and solid-state fermentation to analyze the composition of the secretomes corresponding to growth on different substrates. The distribution of lignocellulolytic enzymes in the secretomes was strongly dependent on growth conditions, especially for lytic polysaccharide mono-oxygenases.


With its available genome sequence, P. cinnabarinus is now an outstanding model system for the study of the enzyme machinery involved in the degradation or transformation of lignocellulosic biomass.


PhD Defense: V. Hervé

Today, Vincent Hervé successfully defended his PhD, entitled “Bacterial-fungal interactions in wood decay: from wood physicochemical properties to taxonomic and functional diversity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium-associated bacterial communities”.

Congratulations Vincent for this brilliant defense!


Article: Frontiers in Plant Science

Thiol-based redox homeostasis and signalling
FJ Cejudo, A Meyer, JP Reichheld, N Rouhier, JA Traverso
Plant Physiology 5, 266

Plants imperatively have to cope with adverse conditions owing to their lack of mobility and to the high amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated from both respiration and photosynthetic metabolism. Although thiol redox homeostasis in plants is mainly preserved by the cellular glutathione pool, specific strategies have been adopted by the plant kingdom during evolution to manage these “extra” pro-oxidative conditions. Unlike human or yeast, plants generally possess a higher number of genes coding for antioxidant proteins, including protein families responsible of dithiol/disulfide exchange reactions. During the last decades, redox-dependent post-translational modifications of proteins proved to be pivotal to many cellular functions. In particular, this is critically important under some situations of environmental constraints taking into account the alterations and fine adjustment of the cellular redox status occurring during and after any biotic or abiotic stresses. Indeed, thiol groups of cysteinyl residues are highly sensitive to oxidation which might critically perturb cellular homeostasis. Members of the thioredoxin superfamily are key proteins involved in the regulation of cysteine/protein redox state. They share two common and well-known features: (i) the presence of an active center containing at least one catalytic cysteine residue, and (ii) a highly conserved 3D-structure, the so-called thioredoxin fold, which consists of a four-stranded anti-parallel b-sheet surrounded by three a-helices. Key members of this super family are thioredoxins  (TRX) and glutaredoxins (GRX). Representatives of both subgroups are distributed in most cellular compartments and contain at least one TRX motif in their structures. While TRXs are generally reduced by thioredoxin reductases (TR), the reduction ofGRXs depends on reduced glutathione (GSH).

Article: PNAS

Effector MiSSP7 of the mutualistic fungus Laccaria bicolor stabilizes the Populus JAZ6 protein and represses jasmonic acid (JA) responsive genes
JM Plett, Y Daguerre, S Wittulsky, A Vayssières, A Deveau, SJ Melton, …
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201322671


Ectomycorrhizal fungi, such as Laccaria bicolor, support forest growth and sustainability by providing growth-limiting nutrients to their plant host through a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with host roots. We have previously shown that the effector protein MiSSP7 (Mycorrhiza-induced Small Secreted Protein 7) encoded byL. bicolor is necessary for the establishment of symbiosis with host trees, although the mechanistic reasoning behind this role was unknown. We demonstrate here that MiSSP7 interacts with the host protein PtJAZ6, a negative regulator of jasmonic acid (JA)-induced gene regulation in Populus. As with other characterized JASMONATE ZIM-DOMAIN (JAZ) proteins, PtJAZ6 interacts with PtCOI1 in the presence of the JA mimic coronatine, and PtJAZ6 is degraded in plant tissues after JA treatment. The association between MiSSP7 and PtJAZ6 is able to protect PtJAZ6 from this JA-induced degradation. Furthermore, MiSSP7 is able to block—or mitigate—the impact of JA on L. bicolor colonization of host roots. We show that the loss of MiSSP7 production by L. bicolor can be complemented by transgenically varying the transcription of PtJAZ6 or through inhibition of JA-induced gene regulation. We conclude that L. bicolor, in contrast to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and biotrophic pathogens, promotes mutualism by blocking JA action through the interaction of MiSSP7 with PtJAZ6.

Seminar: Joy Watts

 Tue may 27th ,  2.30pm, conference room INRA (SDAR building)

Joy Watts (University of Portsmouth, UK)

« Bacterial diversity, nitrogen fixation and lignocellulose composition changes in gastrointestinal tracts of a wood eating catfish”

The armoured catfish, Panaque nigrolineatus, has specialized physiological adaptations to enable high levels of wood to be ingested in its diet. However, it is unclear what nutritional benefit is derived or the nature of any symbiosis that facilitates it.  In the present study, we examined microbial communities associated with the foregut, midgut, hindgut, and auxiliary lobe of P. nigrolineatus using a metagenomic approach utilizing 454 pyrosequencing.  Microbial community diversity altered in the different regions of the GI tract indicating different functional roles of key bacterial populations.  To complement this genetic approach, scanning electron microscopy of the different regions of the gastrointestinal tract was performed to examine the microbial community present.  Lignocellulose degradation within the gastrointestinal tract was supported by scanning electron microscopy observations, indicating structural alterations in the wood.  Furthermore, the wood particles in the hindgut appeared to harbour assemblies suggestive of microbial cells.  Additionally, wood collected from different regions of the GI tract was analyzed using Fourier-Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.  This technique revealed changes to the wood associated with gut transit.  These changes are consistent with the presence of a wood-digesting activity within the GI tract within the P. nigrolineatus gastrointestinal tract.  Furthermore, using fixed GI tract tissue using catalyzed reporter deposition enhanced immunofluorescence revealed the highest densities of nitrogenase-containing cells attached to the woody digesta within the GI tract with fewer cells sparsely colonizing the intestinal mucous layer.  These findings are consistent with a role for the P. nigrolineatus intestinal tract microbial community in providing a source of fixed nitrogen under nitrogen limiting conditions.