Predicting and understanding forest dynamics — ARBRE & RMT AFORCE launch 3 new projects










The 2015 joint call for proposals launched by the AFORCE network and LabEx ARBRE has resulted in the launch of three new knowledge-transfer projects. They focus on predictive mapping and modeling of forest dynamics :

  • IKSMAPS : Producing precalculated potential future distribution maps for the main species of French forests through IKS modeling
  • PRESTATION-NO : Spatial prediction for forest stations in northwestern France
  • SYLFORCLIM: Mediterranean and Alpine forests and climate change in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Learn more about the AFORCE network

In 2008, foresters and researchers joined forces to create AFORCE, a mixed technology research and development network (RMT) devoted to the adaptation of forests to climate change. AFORCE is a multi-stakeholder network: it brings together actors in research, development, management, education and training. Its mission is to provide forest managers with practical tools and support guides to help them make the best management choices.