Presentation seminar for the EMERGE and SYLVABIOM projects

You are cordially invited to attend all or part of this presentation seminar supported by Labex ARBRE

Conference room at INRA Nancy center, Champenoux

18 September 2013, 10h00 – 18h00
19 September 2013,  8h30 – 16h00



Wednesday – September 18, 2013

10h Welcome coffee
10h30 – 11h30Outline of Emerge, objectives and database.
11h30 -13h : Volume models : total volume, stem volume, coefficients of expansion, bark coefficients.
13h-14h :  Lunch break at the cantine
14h-14h30 : Initial context perspectives : resource potential, population potential
14h30-15h30 : Scanner and fresh weight density
15h30-16h:  Coffee break
16h-18h : Ground-based laser and outdoor demo followed by ;

  • volume estimations and biomechanics
  • uses pertaining to stock
  • Computree project platform and algorithmic developments

Thursday,  September 19, 2013

8h30-10h : Models of biomass and mineralomass
10h-10h30 : Coffee break
10h30-13h : Sylvabiom

  • Context and results of TtCR production of Poplars, Willow and Black Locust over four seasons of vegetation.
  • Variability and plasticity of the efficiency of the use of water and nitrogen in the Willow family grown in TtCR.
  • DNA Methylation, a descriptor of suitability for producing biomass in TtCR

13h-14h : Lunch break in the cantine
14h-16h : Sylvabiom : potential for total biomass production of fast-growing woody species cultivated in short-rotation trees.

16h-16h30 :  Coffee break and closing
