“Contrat Jeune Scientifique” (Young Scientist Contract) – Call for applications – April 2017

Présentation CJS2017 bisInra and the Doctoral School RP2E offer during 2017 a “Contrat Jeune Scientifique” (Young Scientist Contract) for 3 years (duration for completion of a PhD).

Research will take place at Nancy (France). Candidates may choose among the five topics offered this year :
Topic 1 : Interactions between biogeochemical cycles of the main elements in forest ecosystems
Topic 2 : Microrefugia facing climate change: bioclimatic modeling of steep-sided valleys in northeastern France.
Topic 3 : The key role of biomechanics for shaping tree stems
Topic 4 : How do environmental and ontogenic factors modulate the distribution of growth along tree stems?
Topic 5 : Forest biomass and carbon accounting in the French forests: Identification and modelling of inter-specific, management-driven and environmental- patterns in wood density from new records of the French national forest inventory

Click here for more information.

Application deadline : Friday May 19th 2017.