SURVIVORS – INRA and the Collège Duvivier d’Einville-au-Jard

A participative research project with students from Einville-au-Jard
The experiment has started – defoliation begins the first week of June

2 – 6 June 2014

SURVIVORS is an original participatory research project launched by a team of INRA researchers (UMR EEF) with the support of Labex ARBRE and the CPIE.  An experimental seedling nursery site was installed at INRA in Champenoux to understand how young beech trees survive severe changes in their functioning water-carbon-nitrogen levels. Nearly 2,000 beech trees were planted eight years ago by the UEFL as the first step to study this important seedling stage.

Three classes of students from the College of Einville- au-Jard class have been invited to participate in this experiment for hands on discovery of the research process. Each student will be given responsibility of sponsoring one tree in this experiment, “their” tree which they will follow and observe for 3 years.

Researchers have already met with these middle school students to present the key issues and the process of implementing research projects. These students will be welcomed on site at INRA the first week of June this year to continue their adventure during the defoliation process.

For more information about SURVIVORS ..

Contacts : Nathalie Bréda and Cathy Massonnet with the research team, Pascale Frey-Klett with Labex «ARBRE » and Cyril Galley with CPIE.