AgreenSkills encourages mobility: call for submission is open



AgreenSkills is an international mobility program offering young researchers of all nationalities incoming and outcoming fellowships in all disciplinary fields. 142 fellowships with attractive recruitment conditions will be offered over a period of four years.

ARBRE would like to remind you that this program exists with the possibility of cofinancement for projects supported by the Labex initiative.  ARBRE encourages all scientists to take advantage of this unique opportunity to further develop collaborative projects.


Coordinated by INRA and Agreenium, the AgreenSkills program (2012-2016) is co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the COFUND – FP7 People Programme.

AgreenSkills sets out to encourage the international mobility of young researchers, from 6 to 12 months for outgoing fellows and from 12 to 24 months for fellows coming to France (visiting fellows), by supporting research projects with attractive mobility allowances and personalized support for career development plans. It is aimed to aid talented young researchers from all over the world who have a PhD with a maximum of ten years research experience following their Master’s degree. The program concerns all Agreenium member research laboratories.

The AgreenSkills website provides general information about the program, eligibility criteria, all necessary documents as well as the official forms and templates. The website also includes information about the mobility and hosting conditions. Applications must be submitted through the online secure application system which will be available when the selection process opens.


Call for submisison is open. This open and continuous call holds two selection rounds each year over the first three years of the programme (2012, 2013 and 2014).

The second selection round closed on 15 May 2013. Applications for the latest selection process closed on 15 November 2013.

– Presentation of the programme (PDF) : Agreenskills program presentation