The ARBRE Photo contest – Congratulations to the winners !












The votes are in and we have three winning photographers to congratulate!
For those of you who voted, we gave points to each of your selections in order of your preference (3 for your first choice, 2 for the second, 1 for the third).

Stéphanie Delvig victoriously came away in first place with 41 points for her photograph called Chêne dépérissement taken in Champenoux this last winter.  In elegent second place is Erwin Dreyer with 31 points for Forêt de hêtres taken in Danemark.  In third place, François Jobert claimed 14 points for the only photograph he submitted, Fraxinus exelsior en contre-plongée taken in Picardie.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our contest with your submissions and your votes.  Our special contratulations to the winning photographers!

For a close up look at the winning photographs, click here

For the full presentation of qll submitted photographs, their authors and captions, please click here.. Presentation of all photographs

Xylofutur Wood Thesis – Call for papers

 Wood Thesis Day

July 2, 2014

Bordeaux, France

Call for papers is open ..


In the context of its policy to support sustainable development in the forest wood sector, under the guidance of its Scientific Council and with support from the Bordeaux University Foundation, Xylofutur will host on July 2, 2014 in Bordeaux , the ninth national awards session for the “Wood Thesis” prize.

This event is to aimed promote research activities on the national level between industry professionals and decision-makers in both higher education and public research.

All papers should be submitted by May 8, 2014 to :

For more detailed information about this call for papers, please follow this link :
Call for papers – Xylofutur Wood Thesis 2014

To consult the Xylofutur website, please click here : Xylofutur

Call for applications – CJS 2014

INRA is recruiting PhD students for Young Scientist Contracts

The Young Scientist Contract (or CJS) is a unique opportunity to work with INRA in partnership with the Doctoral School RP2E or with a research organization.


INRA and the Doctoral School of Science and Engineering (RP2E) is offering a limited term contract for 3 years (the time to complete PhD studies) followed by two years of postdoctoral research abroad. Research will take place in Nancy, France.  Candidates may choose between 4 topics of research.

For more information, follow this link
CJS 2014 – Call for applications

PhD Course – IFGI2014

PhD Course : International Forestry and Global Issues

19 – 23 May
Champenoux et Nancy

Application deadline is 5 April

The next edition of the PhD School on “International Forestry and Global Issues” (IFGI) will be held in Champenoux and Nancy from 19 to 23 May 2014. The course is organized by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), the European Forest Institute Central European Regional Office, the Observatory for European Forests (EFICENT-OEF), and by AgroParisTech.Over a period of one week, IFGI 2014 will address a range of forest issues and topics highly relevant to international and national forest and environmental research and policy agendas. The course will offer PhD students and young researchers an excellent opportunity to interact with internationally renowned experts from forest science and international policy makers.

Course topics will be approached in a trans‐disciplinary manner and therefore we welcome students with different research backgrounds to participate (e.g. ecologists, economists, geneticists, foresters, sociologists, etc.).

For more information, follow the links below :

IFGI2014 site WEB :
IFGI2014 : Second Announcement
IFGI2014 : Detailed Description


Romain Koszul with the Institut Pasteur


Thursday, 27 March

14h00 in Amphithéâtre 7- University of Lorraine, Faculty of Sciences, Vandeouvre


As part of the series of conferences organized with support from LabEx ARBRE, Romain Koszul with the Pasteur Institute will present a lecture entitled ‘Ideas on the diverse organization of chromosomes in eukaryotic or prokaryotic microorganisms ‘.

Click here to read the full résumé


Romain Koszul
Genetics of genomes – CNRS/Institut Pasteur, Paris

Roman Koszul is a biologist and an agricultural engineer by training and a former student of the Université Paris-Sud and AgroParisTech. From 2001 to 2004, he prepared a doctorate in biology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Institut Pasteur. In 2005, he joined Nancy Kleckner’s laboratory at Harvard University where he concentrated his work for four years on the interface between physics and biology and the mechanical properties and dynamics of chromosomes. Recruited by the CNRS in 2008 as a research fellow, he has just put together a team at the Pasteur Institute to work on the “spatial regulation of genomes”.

Dynamic interaction between eukaryotic chromosomes: impact on the stability of the genome (DICIG)

This project aims to understand the functional and mechanical interactions between chromosomes, nuclear periphery and cytoskeleton, as well as their influence on genomic stability, through in vivo and in vitro approaches in a eukaryotic model, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genomic studies, combined with analyses of quantitative microscopy, allow researchers to precisely describe the organization of chromosomes relative to each other, in different genetic backgrounds. Genetic experimentation permits researchers to measure the significance of this organization in processes related to DNA metabolism.

Photo contest – Time to vote !

The submissions are in ! 25 participants stepped up to the challenge and submitted 91 photographs. A stunning cross-section of art and science and testimony to the many layers of discovery happening around us every day.

To view all submitted photos, follow this link to our Photos presentation page where each image is assigned a number for voting. Here, you can click on each image for a larger format view.

Next, download our Voting form or simply contact us with your 3 selections for winning photographs in order of your preference. Keep in mind we are asking for one vote per person. Remember to let us know where you are from, where you work or how you found us. The last day to vote is  Friday April 4.

We want to thank all participating photogaphers and LabEx enthusiasts for following the LabEx Photo Contest.


Photos presentationClick here to view the submitted photographs. Note that each are assigned a number for voting.

Voting formdownload and email to :

International conference in Gérardmer

FEC 2014 – 5th Forest Engineering Conférence
Forest engineering : propelling the forest value chain

Registration is now OPEN

23-26 September 2014
Gerardmer, France

FCBA is proud to host of the Fifth Forest Engineering Conference together with the 47th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanisation this coming fall.

The Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), an international event held every four years, is a forum for forest engineers from around the world to share their knowledge, experience, and emerging ideas.

We would like to encourage you to participate in this conference. This is a unique opportunity to meet with a broad range of actors in the forestry-wood industry and presents the chance to develop collaborative projects which Labex ARBRE will review with great interest in the framework of its mission to support actions around R&D and valorization.F

For the conference poster – Affiche FEC2014


Life at Labex – Aurélie Deroy

“Even if we think that our research is purely fundamental in the moment, it will eventually have an applied interest. This is what makes research interesting and exciting.”

Doctoral candidate :  Aurélie Deroy
Research Team : UMR IAM


Aurélie Deroy is a young researcher working in the microbiology unit “Interaction Trees/Micro-organism”. In her research, Aurelie is studying a fungus that decomposes wood. She is interested in certain proteins called enzymes, compounds essential to the life of cells, which allow the fungus to protect themselves against toxic products released when wood is degraded.

Aurélie participated in the training program Experimentarium in Lorraine this last fall, a project providing a framework in which doctoral students with the University of Lorraine prepare to meet and share their experiences as researchers with the non-scientific public.  See the fact sheet

Recently, together with Melanie Morel, Aurélie made a short 2 minute video on the theme “Biodiversity of fungi forest lignivors” which will be presented during the debate organized by the Conference of Presidents of University (CPU) on 19 February at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, on the theme “The societal challenge of biodiversity”. See the video

Aurélie is currently working on her thesis in the framework of the SYMWOOD project. The title of her thesis is ‘Local adaptation of saprophytic mushrooms’.

Research Project SYMWOOD

Video on biodiversity

The Conference of University Presidents (CPU) has organized a debate on ‘societal challenges associated with biodiversity’ to be held on the 19th of February at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.  In this context, two of our colleagues, Mélanie Morel and Aurélie Deroy (with the joint research unit UMR IAM) have produced a short 2 minute video entitled “biodiversity of fungi involved in wood degradation”.

Watch the video here :

Homepage for the Conférence des présidents d’université (CPU) :