Buée Marc

Identite_MBDr. Marc Buée, scientist at INRAE (Nancy, France), has 20 years experience of mycorrhizal research. In 2000, he received a Ph.D from the University of Toulouse (France), where he spent four years in the “Plant/microbe molecular interactions” Laboratory, to characterize a novel plant signal in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. After one year of teaching (University of Angers) and 18 months of post-doc (INRAE), he joined the “Tree/Microbe Interactions” Lab in Nancy to work on fungal ecology in 2003. He defended his HDR, entitled “Structures and roles of forest fungal communities”, in January 2014, and I was appointed INRAE Research Director the same year. Currently, Head of the “Ecogenomics of interactions” laboratory, his research is devoted to the ectomycorrhizal community diversity, with a special focus on molecular taxonomy, mycorrhizal ecology and microbial functional diversity. During this last decade, he has started to use high throughput sequencing approaches to describe the diversity of fungal communities in temperate and tropical forest ecosystem. He has interests in genomics and metatranscriptomics also, and he was involved in genomics projects. From these genomic resources, he works on the characterization of genetic markers to assess the functional diversity within ECM fungi. These functional approaches are focusing on extracellular proteases, laccases, chitinases and other hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. He has published around eighty research/review papers in peer reviewed journals (New Phytologist, Nature, Soil Biol. Biochem., Trends Ecol. Evol., Fungal Ecology, Env. microbiology, Nat. Com., etc).



“Ecogenomics of interactions” laboratory (summer 2022)


Last projects:

CANETE (soil microbial Carbon And Nutrient use Efficiency in managed Terrestrial Ecosystems) – FAIRCARBON program

Efficience de l’utilisation microbienne du carbone et des nutriments du sol dans les écosystèmes terrestres gérés par l’humain (https://www.pepr-faircarbon.fr/projets/projets-laureats-de-l-appel-a-projets-faircarbon/canete)

The main objective of the CANETE project is to assess and predict the physiological responses of microbes to agricultural and forest management practices in different pedoclimatic contexts, with particular focus on the consequences for the coupling/decoupling of C and nutrients (N and P) and the impacts on C and nutrient storage in soil, the nutrient supply to plants, and plant production. We intend to investigate terrestrial ecosystems differentiated by many years of distinct management strategies—including annual cropping systems, temporary grassland, agroforestry systems, and forests—which have long been subjected to practices that a priori alter or favor the coupling of biogeochemical cycles. Several relevant long-term experiments have been identified in mainland France. The project is organized in four work packages that combine experimentation and modeling. The project consortium comprises collaborators from 15 laboratories and 9 experimental sites and platforms.

DYNAMOMIES (DYNAmique de la Matière Organique MIcrobiennE dans les Sols forestiers). Financement : Action conjointe CNRS-INRAE Cycle du carbone dans les écosystèmes terrestres (2021-2022).

En forêt, une large partie du carbone de la Matière Organique (MO) végétale est incorporée dans les microorganismes responsables de leur décomposition, en particulier les champignons. Ces champignons du sol vont produire une nécromasse de qualité chimique variable, elle-même dégradée par les communautés microbiennes des sols. Le projet DYNAMOMIES apporte un éclairage pluridisciplinaire sur la décomposition de la MO fongique (nécromasse) en forêt: i) succession des microorganismes impliqués dans la décomposition de la nécromasse fongique, ii) effets de la qualité de cette MO sur sa décomposition, et iii) conséquences de l’exportation de biomasse végétale sur le fonctionnement des communautés microbiennes impliquées dans cette décomposition. Collaborations : UR BEF (INRAE Grand Est), UMR LIEC (CNRS – Université de Lorraine), IEES Paris (CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Univ. Paris & Paris Créteil)

CARTON: CARbon functional Traits and their OptimisatioN (funded by ANR 2020-2024)

The CARTON project aims to identify tree species that enhance carbon sequestration in soils while having a high growth rate at the same time. Soil microorganisms play a central role in organic matter turnover and C cycle. We hypothesize that species affect microbial biomass and influence the composition of the microbial community. In addition, we expect that angiosperm species select fungal species, in particular AM species, that decrease the proportion of respired C because they have low C:N and C:P values and induce high soil N availability. We will identify what plant traits are involved in soil Organic Carbon (SOC) dynamics (including its stabilisation and accumulation components). In collaboration with INRAE Bordeaux (ISPA Unit) and BEF Unit (INRAE, Nancy), our goals are to: (i) quantify SOC total under different tree species, in relation with root distribution, (ii) measure the flux of necromass that can influence SOC dynamics, (iii) study the functional diversity of soil biocenosis, (iv) study SOC stabilisation, and (v) investigate what functional traits influence SOC sequestration and stabilisation, in interaction with climate, soil properties, and geology.


BRIDGE, a multidisciplinary project: Biomass Removal Impact on soil Diversity, Geochemistry and tree Ecophysiology (funded by the Labex ARBRE; 2015-2018)

The “Biomass Removal Impact on soil Diversity, Geochemistry and tree Ecophysiology” (BRIDGE) project will provide knowledge about the consequences of logging residues removal on ecosystem services and related sensitive components, such as soil fertility, water availability, soil microbial diversity and functioning. Moreover, the originality of this project is to expand the short-term physiological responses of tree to its root associated microbiome after this anthropogenic restraint. By the coupling of tree and microbial physiology, biogeochemistry, molecular ecology and metagenomics approaches, we propose an integrative study of the tree/root microbe nutrition and resource management by the tree in response to natural and anthropic disturbances: seasonal variations of water uptake and plant carbon allocation (according to tree phenology) and modulation of soil organic resources and soil fertility, following a massive biomass export.




2024 – 2020

Laubray S., Buée M., Marcais B. (2024) Hymenoscyphus fraxineus persistence in the ash litter. Phytopathology (in press)

Khalfallah F., Bon L., El Mazlouzi M., Bakker M.R., Fanin N., … Buée M. (2024). “Ectomycorrhizal exploration type” could be a functional trait explaining the spatial distribution of tree symbiotic fungi as a function of forest humus forms. Mycorrhiza, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-024-01146-8

Maillard, F., Colin, Y., Viotti, C., Buée, M., Brunner, I., Brabcova, V., Kohout, P., Baldrian, P., Kennedy, P. (2024). A cryptically diverse microbial community drives organic matter decomposition in forests. Applied Soil Ecology 193: 105148

Auer L, Buée M, Fauchery L, Lombard V, Barry K, Clum A, Copeland A, et al., Grigoriev IV and Martin FM. 2023. Metatranscriptomics sheds light on the links between the functional traits of fungal guilds and ecological processes in forest soil ecosystems. New Phytologist (doi.org/10.1111/nph.19471).

Cambon, M. C., Cartry, D., Chancerel, E., Ziegler, C., Levionnois, S., Coste, S., Stahl, C., Delzon, S., Buée, M., … & Vacher, C. (2023). Drought tolerance traits in Neotropical trees correlate with the composition of phyllosphere fungal communities. Phytobiomes Journal7(2), 244-258.

Zeng Q, Lebreton A , Auer L, Man X , Jia L, Wang G, Gong S , Lombard V, Buée M, Wu G, Dai Y, Yang Z and MartinF. (2023). Stable functional structure despite high taxonomic variability across fungal communities in soils of old‑growth montane forests. Microbiome 11:217. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-023-01650-7

Maillard, F., Leduc, V., Viotti, C., Gill, A. L., Morin, E., Reichard, A., … & Buée, M. (2023). Fungal communities mediate but do not control leaf litter chemical transformation in a temperate oak forest. Plant and Soil, 1-19.

Laubray, S., Buée, M., & Marçais, B. (2023). Evidence of a component Allee effect for an invasive pathogen: Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the ash dieback agent. Biological Invasions, 1-16.

Maillard, F., Kohler, A., Morin, E., Hossann, C., Miyauchi, S., Ziegler‐Devin, I., … & Buée, M. 2023. Functional genomics gives new insights into the ectomycorrhizal degradation of chitin. New Phytologist (http://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18773).

Maillard, F., Leduc, V., Bach, C., Thébault, E., Reichard, A., Morin, E., … & Buée, M. 2023. Aboveground organic matter removal reshapes soil microbial functional group balance in temperate forests. Applied Soil Ecology184, 104776.

Neri, U., Wolf, Y. I., Roux, S., Camargo, A. P., Lee, B., Kazlauskas, D., … & Gophna, U. 2022. Expansion of the global RNA virome reveals diverse clades of bacteriophages. Cell, 185(21), 4023-4037.

Steidinger B.S, Büntgen U, Stobbe U, Tegel W, Sproll L, Haeni M, Moser B, Bagi I, Bonet J-A, Buée M, Dauphin B, Martínez-Peña F, Molinier V, Zweifel R, Egli S, Peter M. The fall of the summer truffle: recurring hot, dry summers result in declining fruitbody production of Tuber aestivum in central Europe. Global Change Biology (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16424).

Zeng Q, Lebreton A, Man X, Jia L, Wang G, Gong S, Buée M, Wu G, Dai Y, Yang Z and Martin FM. 2022. Ecological Drivers of the Soil Microbial Diversity and Composition in Primary Old-Growth Forest and Secondary Woodland in a Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Biome in the Ailao Mountains, China. Front. Microbiol. 13:908257. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.908257

Barret, M., Buée, M., Mougel, C., Vacher, C. (2022). Plant Microbiota: Diversity, Transmission and Function. In Extended Biocontrol (pp. 111-117). Springer, Dordrecht.

Colin Y, Turpault M-P, Fauchery L, Buée M, Uroz S. 2021. Forest plant cover and mineral type determine the diversity and composition of mineral-colonizing fungal communities. European Journal of Soil Biology, 105, 103334.

Viotti C, Bach C, Maillard F, Ziegler-Devin I, Mieszkin S, Buée M. 2021 Sapwood and heartwood affect differentially bacterial and fungal community structure and successional dynamics during Quercus petraea decomposition. Environmental Microbiology (in press).

Maillard F,  Kennedy PG, Adamczyk B, Heinonsalo J, Buée M. 2021. Root presence modifies the long‐term decomposition dynamics of fungal necromass and the associated microbial communities in a boreal forest. Molecular Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.15828 

Mieszkin, S., Richet, P., Bach, C., Lambrot, C., Augusto, L., Buée, M., Uroz, S. 2021. Oak decaying wood harbors taxonomically and functionally different bacterial communities in sapwood and heartwood. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2021.108160  

Barroso‐Bergada D, Pauvert C, Vallance J, Delière L, Bohan DA, Buée M, Vacher C. 2020. Microbial networks inferred from environmental DNA data for biomonitoring ecosystem change: strengths and pitfalls. Molecular Ecology Resources. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13302

Miyauchi, S., Kiss, E., Kuo, A., Drula, E., Kohler, A., Sánchez-García, M., Buée, M.… & Martin, F. 2020. Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits. Nature communications, 11 : 1-17.

Pérez‐Izquierdo, L., Zabal‐Aguirre, M., Verdú, M., Buée, M., Rincón, A. 2020. Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity decreases in Mediterranean pine forests adapted to recurrent fires. Molecular Ecology, 29 : 2463-2476.

Legeay, J., Husson, C., Boudier, B., Louisanna, E., Baraloto, C., Schimann, H., … & Buée, M. 2020. Surprising low diversity of the plant pathogen Phytophthora in Amazonian forests. Environmental Microbiology (https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15099).

2019 – 2015

Pérez Izquierdo L., Zabal-Aguirre M., Gonzalez-Martinez S., Buée M., Verdu M., Rincon A., Goberna M. 2019. Plant intraspecific variation modulates nutrient cycling through its belowground rhizospheric microbiome. Journal of Ecology (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13202).

Pauvert C., Buée M., Laval V., Edel-Hermann V., Fauchery L., Gautier A., Lesur I., Vallance J., Vacher V. 2019. Bioinformatics matters: the accuracy of plant and soil community data is highly dependent on the metabarcoding pipeline. Fungal Ecology. 41: 23-33.

Legeay J., Husson C., Cordier T., Vacher C., Marcais B., Buée M. 2019. Comparison and validation of Oomycetes metabarcoding primers for Phytophthora high throughput sequencing. Journal of Plant Pathology (DOI: 10.1007/s42161-019-00276-9)

Maillard, F., Leduc, V., Bach, C., Reichard A., Fauchery L., Saint-André, L.,Zeller B., Buée, M. 2019. Soil microbial functions are affected by organic matter removal in temperate deciduous forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.02.015).

Akroume, E., Maillard, F., Bach C., Hossann C., Brechet C., Angeli N., Zeller B., Saint-André L., Buée M. 2019. First evidences that the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus mobilizes nitrogen and carbon from saprotrophic fungus necromass. Environmental Microbiology, 21: 197-208 (DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14440)

Maillard, F., Leduc, V., Bach, C., de Moraes Gonçalves, J. L., Androte, F. D., Saint-André, L., Laclau, J.P., Buée, M., Robin, A. 2018. Microbial Enzymatic Activities and Community-Level Physiological Profiles (CLPP) in Subsoil Layers Are Altered by Harvest Residue Management Practices in a Tropical Eucalyptus grandis Plantation. Microbial Ecology, ( https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1298-6)

Pérez‐Izquierdo, L., Saint‐André, L., Santenoise, P., Buée, M., Rincón, A. 2018. Tree genotype and seasonal effects on soil properties and biogeochemical functioning in Mediterranean pine forests. European Journal of Soil Science, 69: 1087–1097

Maillard F, Didion M, Fauchery L, Bach C,  Buée M. 2018. N-acetylglucosaminidase activity, a functional trait of chitin degradation, is regulated differentially within two orders of ectomycorrhizal fungi: Boletales and Agaricales. Mycorrhiza 28: 391-397. (DOI.10.1007/s00572-018-0833-0)

Courty PE, Buée M, Tech JJT, Brulé D, Colin Y, Leveau JHJ, Uroz S. 2018. Impact of soil pedogenesis on the diversity and composition of fungal communities across the California soil chronosequence of Mendocino. Mycorrhiza (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-018-0829-9)

Pérez‐Izquierdo L, Morin E, Maurice J-P, Martin F, Rincón A, Buée M. 2017. A new promising phylogenetic marker to study the diversity of fungal communities: the GLYCOSIDE HYDROLASE 63 gene. Molecular Ecology Resources (DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12678).

Perez-Izquierdo, L, Zabal-Aguirre M, Flores-Renteria D, González-Martínez S, Buée M, Rincon A. 2017. Functional outcomes of fungal community shifts driven by tree genotype and spatial-temporal factors in Mediterranean pine forests. Environmental Microbiology. 19:1639-1652.

Morriën E, Hannula E, Snoek B, Helmsing N R., Zweers A, de Hollander M, Lujan Soto R, Bouffaud M-L, Buée M, Dimmers W, Duyts H, Geisen S, Girlanda M, Griffiths R, Jorgensen H, Jensen J, Plassart P, Redecker D, Schmelz RM, Schmidt O, Thomson BC, Tisserant E, Uroz S, Winding A, Bailey M, Bonkowski M, Faber J, Martin F, Lemanceau P, de Boer W, van Veen J, van der Putten W. 2017. Soil networks become more connected and take up more carbon as nature restoration progresses. Nature Communication (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14349).

Heinonsalo, J., Buée, M., & Vaario, L. M. 2017. Root-endophytic fungi cause morphological and functional differences in Scots pine roots in contrast to ectomycorrhizal fungi. Botany, 95: 203-210.

Schimann H, Bach C, Lengelle J, Louisanna E, Barantal S, Murat C, Buée M. 2017. Diversity and structure of fungal communities in Neotropical rainforest soils: what about host tree recurrence? Microbial Ecology 73: 310-320.

Uroz, S., Buée, M., Deveau, A., Mieszkin, S., & Martin, F. 2016. Ecology of the forest microbiome: Highlights of temperate and boreal ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 103, 471-488.

Akroume, E., Zeller, B., Buée, M., Santenois, P., Saint-André, L. 2016. Design and installation of a long-term monitoring experiment: how can infrared spectroscopy be used to take the local heterogeneity of forest soil into account? Annals of Forest Sciences (doi:10.1007/s13595-016-0572-3).

Courty PE, Munoz F, Selosse MA, Duchemin M, Criquet S, Ziarelli F, Buée M, Plassard C, Taudière A, Garbaye J, Richard F. 2016. Into the functional ecology of ectomycorrhizal communities: environmental filtering of enzymatic activities. Journal of Ecology (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12633)

Uroz, S., Oger, P., Tisserand, E., Cébron, A., Turpault, M. P., Buée, M., De Boer W, Leveau JHJ, Frey-Klett, P. 2016. Specific impacts of beech and Norway spruce on the structure and diversity of the rhizosphere and soil microbial communities. Scientific Reports, 6.

Barbi F, Prudent E, Vallon L, Buée M, Dubost A, Legout A, Marmeisse R, Fraissinet-Tachet L, Luis P. 2016. Tree species select diverse soil fungal communities expressing different sets of lignocellulolytic enzyme-encoding genes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 100:149-159.

Jeanbille, M., Buée, M., Bach, C, Cébron, Frey-Klett, Turpault, Uroz, S. Soil parameters drive the structure, diversity and metabolic potentials of the bacterial communities across temperate beech forest soil sequences. 2016. Microbial Ecology 71: 482-493.

R.E. Creamer, S.E. Hannula, J.P.Van Leeuwen, D. Stone, M. Rutgers, R.M. Schmelz, P.C.de Ruiter, N.Bohse Hendriksen, T. Bolger, M.L. Bouffaud, M. Buée, F. Carvalho, D. Costa, T. Dirilgen, R. Francisco, B.S. Griffiths, R. Griffiths, F. Martin, P.Martins da Silva, S. Mendes, P.V. Morais, et al. 2016. Ecological network analysis reveals the inter-connection between soil biodiversity and ecosystem function as affected by land use across Europe. Applied Soil Ecology 97: 112-124.

Thomson, B. C., Tisserant, E., Plassart, P., Uroz, S., Griffiths, R. I., Hannula, S. E., Buée, M., Mougel, C., … & Lemanceau, P. 2015. Soil conditions and land use intensification effects on soil microbial communities across a range of European field sites. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 88: 403-413.

Rincón A, Santamaría-Pérez B, Rabasa SG, Coince A, Marçais B, Buée M. 2015. Compartmentalized and contrasted response of ectomycorrhizal and soil fungal communities of Scots pine forests along elevation gradients in France and Spain. Environmental Microbiology 17: 3009-3024.


Coince A, Cordier T, Lengellé J, Defossez E, Vacher C, Robin C, Buée M§, Marçais B§. 2014. Leaf and root-associated fungal assemblages do not follow similar elevational diversity patterns. PLoS ONE. 9(6): e100668. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100668. (§ These authors equally contributed to the work).

Uroz, S., Bispo, A., Buée, M., Cebron, A., Cortet, J., Decaens, T., … & Villenave, C. 2014. Aperçu des avancées dans le domaine de la biologie des sols forestiers. Revue Forestiere Francaise 04/2015; LXVI(4):467-478. DOI:10.4267/2042/56560

Terhonen E, Sun H, Buée M, Kasanen R, Paulin L and Asiegbu F. 2013. Effects of the use of biocontrol agent (Phlebiopsis gigantea) on fungal communities of Picea abies stumps. Forest Ecology and Management 310 : 428-433.

Uroz S, Courty P.E, Pierrat J.C, Peter M, Buée M, Turpault M.P, Garbaye J, Frey-Klett P. 2013. Functional Profiling and Distribution of the Forest Soil Bacterial Communities Along the Soil Mycorrhizosphere Continuum. Microbial Ecology 66 : 404-415.

Uroz S, Ioannidis P, Lengelle J, Cébron A, Morin E, Buée M, Martin F. 2013 Functional Assays and Metagenomic Analyses Reveals Differences between the Microbial Communities Inhabiting the Soil Horizons of a Norway Spruce Plantation. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55929. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055929.

Coince A., Caël O., Bach C., Lengellé J., Cruaud C., Gavory F., Morin E., Murat C., Marçais B., Buée M. 2013. Below-ground fine-scale distribution and soil versus fine root detection of fungal and soil oomycete communities in a French beech forest. Fungal Ecology 6 :223-235.

Mathieu Y, Gelhaye E, Dumarçay S, Gérardin P, Harvengt L, Buée M. 2012. Selection and validation of enzymatic activities as functional markers in wood biotechnology and fungal ecology. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 92 :157–163.

Mathieu Y, Prosper P, Buée M, Dumarçay S, Favier F, Gelhaye E, Gérardin P, Harvengt L, Jacquot J-P, Lamant T, Meux E, Mathiot S, Didierjean C, Morel M. 2012. Characterization of a Phanerochaete chrysosporium glutathione transferase reveals a novel structural and functional class with ligandin properties. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287 : 39001-39011.

Danielsen L, Thürmer A, Meinicke P, Buée M, Morin E, Martin F, Pilate G, Daniel R, Polle A, Reich M. 2012. Fungal soil communities in a young transgenic poplar plantation form a rich reservoir for fungal root communities. Ecology and Evolution. 2 : 1935-1948

Hortal S., Trocha L., Murat C., Buée M., Chybicki I., Trojankiewicz M., Burczyk J., Martin F. 2012. Beech roots are simultaneously colonized by multiple genets of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria amethystina clustered in two genetic groups. Molecular Ecology 21 : 2116–2129.

Arfi Y, Buée M, Marchand C, Levasseur A, Record E. 2012. Multiple markers pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse and host specific fungal communities on the mangrove trees A. marina and R.stylosa. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 79 : 433-444.

Uroz S., Marmeisse R., Buée M., Dessaux Y., Faure D., Geremia R. 2011. De la diversité à la fonction des sols peu anthropisés. Biofutur. 319 :39-43.

Buée M., Maurice JP., Zeller B., Andrianarisoa S., Ranger J., Courtecuisse R., Marçais B. Le Tacon F. 2011. Influence of tree species on richness and diversity of epigeous fungal communities in a French temperate forest stand. Fungal Ecology. 4 :22-31.


Martin F, Kohler A, Murat C, Balestrini R, Coutinho P M, Jaillon O, Montanini B, Morin E, Noel B, Percudani R, Porcel B, Rubini A, Amicucci A, Amselem J, Anthouard V, Arcioni S, Artiguenave F , Aury J-M, Ballario P, Bolchi A, Brenna A, Brun A, Buée M, et al. 2010. The Black Truffle Genome Uncovers Evolutionary Origins and Mechanisms of Symbiosis. Nature 464: 1033-1038.

Diédhiou A.G, Dupouey J.L., Buée M., Dambrine E., Laüt L., Garbaye J. 2010. The Functional Structure Of Ectomycorrhizal Communities In An Oak Forest In Central France Witnesses Ancient Gallo-Roman Farming Practices. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42 :860-862.

Uroz S., Buée M., Murat C., Frey-Klett P., Martin F. 2010. Pyrosequencing reveals a contrasted bacterial diversity between oak rhizosphere and surrounding soil. Environmental microbiology Reports 2: 281-288.

Courty PE., Buée M., Diedhiou AG, Frey-Klett P, Le Tacon F, Rineau F, Turpault MP, Uroz S, Garbaye J. 2010. The role of ectomycorrhizal communities in forest ecosystem processes: new perspectives and emerging concepts. Soil Biology Biochemistry. 42 :679-698.

Reich M., Kohler A., Martin F., Buée M. 2009. Development and validation of an oligonucleotide microarray to characterize ectomycorrhizal communities. BMC Microbiology 9 :241.

Buée M., Reich M., Murat C., Morin E., Nilsson R.H., Uroz S., Martin F. 2009. 454 pyrosequencing analyses of forest soils reveal an unexpectedly high fungal diversity. New Phytologist. 184 :449-456.

Diédhiou A.G, Dupouey J.L., Buée M., Dambrine E., Laüt L., Garbaye J. 2009. Response of ectomycorrhizal communities to past Roman occupation in an oak forest. Soil Biol. Biochem. 41 :2206-2213.

Reich M., Goebel C., Kohler A., Buée M., Martin F., Feussner I., Polle A. 2009. Fatty acid metabolism in the ectomycorrhizal 1 fungus Laccaria bicolor. New Phytologist 182 : 950 – 964.

Courty, P.E., P.J. Hoegger, S. Kilaru, A. Kohler, M. Buée, J. Garbaye, F. Martin, F., and U. Kües. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis, genomic organization, and expression analysis of multi-copper oxidases in the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor. New Phytologist 182 : 736 – 750.

Buée M., De Boer W., Martin F., Overbeek L., Jurkevitch E. 2009. The rhizosphere zoo: An overview of plant-associated communities of microorganisms, including phages, bacteria, archaea, and fungi, and of some of their structuring factors. Plant and Soil. 321:189-212.

Before 2009

Martin, F., A. Aerts, D. Ahrén, A. Brun, F. Duchaussoy, A. Kohler, E. Lindquist, A. Salamov, H.J. Shapiro, J. Wuyts, D. Blaudez, M. Buée, P. Brokstein, B. Canbäck, D. Cohen, P.E. Courty, P.M. Coutinho, E.G.J. Danchin, C. Delaruelle, J.C. Detter, A. Deveau, S. DiFazio, S., Duplessis, L. Fraissinet-Tachet, E. Lucic, P. Frey-Klett, C. Fourrey, I. Feussner, G. Gay, J. Gibon, J. Grimwood, P.J. Hoegger, P. Jain, S. Kilaru, J. Labbé, Y.C. Lin, F. Le Tacon, R. Marmeisse, D. Melayah, B. Montanini, M. Muratet, U. Nehls, H. Niculita-Hirzel, M.P. Oudot-Le Secq, V. Pereda, M. Peter, H. Quesneville, B. Rajashekar, M. Reich, N. Rouhier, J. Schmutz, T. Yin, M. Chalot, B. Henrissat, U. Kües, S. Lucas, Y. Van de Peer, G. Podila, A. Polle, P.J. Pukkila, P.M. Richardson, P. Rouzé, I. Sanders, J.E. Stajich, A. Tunlid, G. Tuskan, and I. Grigoriev. 2008. The genome sequence of the basidiomycete fungus Laccaria bicolor provides insights into the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Nature  452:88-92.

Courty PE., Poletto M., Duchaussoy F., Buée M., Garbaye J., Martin F. 2008. Gene transcription in Lactarius quietus – Quercus petraea ectomycorrhizas from a forest soil. Applied Environ. Microbiol. 74 :6598-6605.

Rineau F., Courty PE., Uroz S., Buée M., Garbaye J. 2008. Simple microplate assays to measure iron mobilization and oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal tree roots. Soil Biol. Biochem. 40 :2460-2463.

M-L Desprez-Loustau, C. Robin, M. Buée, R. Courtecuisse, J. Garbaye, F. Suffert and I Sache. 2007. The fungal dimension of biological invasions. Trends Ecol. Evol. 22 :472-480.

Buée M., Courty PE., Mignot D., Garbaye J. 2007. Soil niche effect on species diversity and catabolic activities in an ectomycorrhizal fungal community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 :1947-1955.

Morel M., Buée M., Chalot M., Brun A. 2006. The NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase : a dispensable function in ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 169 :179-190.

Courty PE, Pouysegur R, Buée M, Garbaye J. 2006. Laccase and phosphatase activities of the dominant ectomycorrhizal types in a lowland oak forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 :1219-1222.

Buée M., PE. Courty, F. Le Tacon and J. Garbaye. 2006. Diversité et fonction des champignons symbiotiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers tempérés. Biofutur 268 :42-45.

Buée M., Vairelles D., Garbaye J. 2005. Year-round monitoring of diversity and potential metabolic activity of the ectomycorrhizal community in a beech (Fagus silvatica) forest subjected to two thinning regimes. Mycorrhiza 15:235-245.

Buée M., J-P Maurice, B. Marçais, J-L Dupouey, J. Garbaye and F. Le Tacon. 2005. Effet des interventions sylvicoles sur les champignons sylvestres. Forêt-entreprise 164 :26-32.

Martinez, M. Buée, A. Jauneau, G. Bécard, R. Dargent and C. Roux. 2001. Effects of a fraction from maize root exudates on haploid strains of Sporisorium reilianum f sp zea. Plant and Soil. 236 (2):145-153.

Buée, M. Rossignol, A. Jauneau, R. Ranjeva and G. Bécard, 2000. The pre-symbiotic growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is induced by a branching factor partially purified from plant root exudates. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction. 13:693-698.

Nagahashi, D. Douds and M. Buée, 2000. Light-induced hyphal branching of germinated AM fungal spores. Plant and Soil. 219:71-79.

Ansan-Melayah, M.H. Balesdent, M. Buée and T. Rouxel. 1995. Genetic Characterization of AvrLm1, the first Avirulence Gene of Leptosphaeria maculans. Phytopathology 85:1525-1529.


Peter M., Buée M. and Egli S. 2013. Biodiversity of mycorrhizal fungi as a crucial player in forest ecosystem functioning. Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity. Kraus D., Krumm F. (eds) 2013. European Forest Institute. 284 pp.

Murat C et Buée M. Truffes et autres champignons comestibles ectomycorhiziens. 2013. Jardin de France (Dossier Mycorhizes, auxiliaires discrètes du jardinier). http://www.jardinsdefrance.org/la-collection/622-mycorhizes-auxiliaires-discretes-du-jardinier/truffes-et-autres-champignons-comestibles-ectomycorhiziens

Buée M., PE. Courty, F. Le Tacon et J. Garbaye. 2009. Diversité et fonction des champignons symbiotiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers tempérés. Le Sol, Dossier INRA Mensuel.

Buée M., Reich M., Martin F. 2009. High-throughput molecular tools highlight fungal community structure in an extremely complex subterranean world. Evoltree external Newsletter. N°4.

Ranger J., Gelhaye D., Bienaimé S., Bonnaud P., Calmet J.P., Calvaruso C., Foret M., Gerard F., Jaffrain J., Mareschal L., Moukoumi J., Nourrisson G., Pollier B., Saint-André L., Sicard C., Turpault M.P., Zeller B., Buée M., Frey-Klett P., Le Tacon F., Uroz S., Maurice J.P., Chaussod R., Lejon D., Ranjard L., Berthelin J., Béguiristain T., Boudot J.P., Kulhankova A., Mallouhi N., Munier-Lamy C., Delvaux B., Titeux H., Trum F. 2007. Effet de la substitution d’essence sur le fonctionnement et la durabilité des écosystèmes forestiers: l’apport des travaux pluridisciplinaires menés en forêt de Breuil Chenue Morvan. Bourgogne Nature.

Buée M., PE. Courty, F. Le Tacon et J. Garbaye. 2006. Diversité et fonction des champignons symbiotiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers tempérés. INRA Mensuel, n°128.

Buée M., J-P Maurice, B. Marçais, J-L Dupouey, J. Garbaye et F. Le Tacon. 2005. Effet des interventions sylvicoles sur les champignons sylvestres. Forêt-entreprise 164 :26-32.


Peter M., Buée M. and Egli S. 2013. Biodiversity of mycorrhizal fungi as a crucial player in forest ecosystem functioning. Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity. Kraus D., Krumm F. (eds) 2013. European Forest Institute. 284 pp.

Murat C et Buée M. Truffes et autres champignons comestibles ectomycorhiziens. 2013. Jardin de France (Dossier Mycorhizes, auxiliaires discrètes du jardinier). http://www.jardinsdefrance.org/la-collection/622-mycorhizes-auxiliaires-discretes-du-jardinier/truffes-et-autres-champignons-comestibles-ectomycorhiziens

Buée M., PE. Courty, F. Le Tacon et J. Garbaye. 2009. Diversité et fonction des champignons symbiotiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers tempérés. Le Sol, Dossier INRA Mensuel.

Buée M., Reich M., Martin F. 2009. High-throughput molecular tools highlight fungal community structure in an extremely complex subterranean world. Evoltree external Newsletter. N°4.

Ranger J., Gelhaye D., Bienaimé S., Bonnaud P., Calmet J.P., Calvaruso C., Foret M., Gerard F., Jaffrain J., Mareschal L., Moukoumi J., Nourrisson G., Pollier B., Saint-André L., Sicard C., Turpault M.P., Zeller B., Buée M., Frey-Klett P., Le Tacon F., Uroz S., Maurice J.P., Chaussod R., Lejon D., Ranjard L., Berthelin J., Béguiristain T., Boudot J.P., Kulhankova A., Mallouhi N., Munier-Lamy C., Delvaux B., Titeux H., Trum F. 2007. Effet de la substitution d’essence sur le fonctionnement et la durabilité des écosystèmes forestiers: l’apport des travaux pluridisciplinaires menés en forêt de Breuil Chenue Morvan. Bourgogne Nature.

Buée M., PE. Courty, F. Le Tacon et J. Garbaye. 2006. Diversité et fonction des champignons symbiotiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers tempérés. INRA Mensuel, n°128.

Buée M., J-P Maurice, B. Marçais, J-L Dupouey, J. Garbaye et F. Le Tacon. 2005. Effet des interventions sylvicoles sur les champignons sylvestres. Forêt-entreprise 164 :26-32.

BOOKS (and Book Chapters)

Pérez-Izquierdo, L., Rincón, A., Lindahl, B. D., Buée, M. 2021. Fungal community of forest soil: Diversity, functions, and services. In Forest Microbiology (pp. 231-255). Academic Press.

Barret M, Buée M, Mougel C, Vacher C. 2020. Le microbiote des plantes : diversité, transmission et fonction. In Fauvergue X, Malausa T, Rusch A, Jacquin-Joly E, Barret M, Bardin M, Lannou C. (eds). 2020. Biocontrôle : Éléments pour une protection agroécologique des cultures. Quae editions, collection : Savoir-Faire, Versailles, France

Fauchery L, Buée M, Martin F, Uroz S, Kohler A. 2018. Purification of Fungal High Molecular Weight Genomic DNA from Environmental Samples. Methods Molecular Biology, Vol. 1775, Ronald de Vries and Adrian Tsang (Eds). In Fungal Genomics (pp. 21-35). Humana Press, New York, NY.

Buée, M., Sentausa, E., & Murat, C. 2017. Molecular technologies applied to the ecology of ectomycorrhizal communities. Molecular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, 323-339.

Preparation of fungal specimens for direct molecular applications. Irlinger F., Berthet N., Vallaeys T., Vasseur V., Ioos R., Buée M., Mounier J. 2009. Handbook of nucleic acid purification. Dongyou Liu Ed. CRC Press.

Buée M., De Boer W., Martin F., Overbeek L., Jurkevitch E. 2009. The rhizosphere zoo: An overview of plant-associated communities of microorganisms, including phages, bacteria, archaea, and fungi, and of some of their structuring factors. Rhizosphere : Achievements and Challenges. Y. Dessaux, P. Hinsinger, P. Lemanceau Eds. Springer Press.


Patent N° 08 52 301 submitted 7th April 2008 (by Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) : « Procédé d’obtention de mycelium de Tuber magnatum et mycelium obtenu par le procédé ».


• DEA Thesis in Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology (1996), Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.

Title: Etude de l’inhibition par l’azote des differentes étapes de l’organogenèse nodulaire chez Medicago sativa (Inhibition by nitrate of different steps in the Medicago sativa nodular organogenesis).


• PhD Thesis in Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology (2000), Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.

Title: Mise en evidence d’un facteur racinaire impliqué dans la croissance des champignons mycorhiziens a arbuscules (Identification of a root factor involved in the endomycorrhizal fungi growth).


•HDR Thesis (2014), Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France.

Structures et rôles des communautés fongiques forestières. Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Ecole Doctorale RP2E, Université de Lorraine, France.


  • Buée M. Are fungal diversity and associated functions differentially regulated by host tree phenology and other environmental parameters? 3rd Thünen Symposium on Soil Metagenomics. 14-16 Dec 2016, Braunschweig, Germany (oral).
  • Buée M. How are fungal diversity and associated functions regulated by host tree and other environmental parameters? Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, Nov. 2016. (invited speaker).
  • Akroume E, Royer P, Zeller B, Saint-André L. and Buée M. 2015. Ectomycorrhizal and non-symbiotic fungi respond differentially to climatic parameters: what is the link with host susceptibility to climate change? Ecology of Soil Microorganisms Conference, Pragues (oral).
  • Akroume E, Royer P, Zeller B, Saint-André L. and Buée M. Les communautés fongiques ectomycorhiziennes et non symbiotiques des forêts de fagacées françaises répondent différemment aux paramètres climatiquesVII colloque de l’Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), Anglet, France (oral).
  • Nikitich, P., Brédoire, F., Alvarez, G., Barsukov, P., Bakker, M. R., Buée, M., Derrien, D., Fontaine, S., Kayler, Z., Rusalimova, O., Vaishlya, O., Zeller, B. (2015). . The impact of snow cover on nutrients dynamics in Western Siberia territories. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17. Presented at EGU 2015, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, AUT (2015-04-12 – 2015-04-17).
  • Buée M. Contribution of metagenomics (barcoding and metabarcoding) in the study of fungal diversity. ECCO meeting 2015, Paris (invited speaker).
  • Buée M. How to connect metagenomics and mycorrhizal fungi ecology? IC3M International Congress on Mycorrhizae, Marrakech, Morocco, 2014 (invited speaker).
  • Coince A, Marcais B, Buée M. 2014. Diversité des communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens de hêtraies le long de gradients environnementaux en Europe. X° Journées Jean Chevaugeon de phytopathologie/Mycologie, Aussois, France (oral).
  • Mathieu Y, Dassé A, Lebayon I, Kutnik M, Harvengt L, Gelhaye E, Buée M. 2013. High-throughput sequencing highlighted contrasted pioneer fungal communities associated to coniferous and deciduous wood preservation assays. The 44th Annual Meeting of the IRG. Stockholm, Sweden. June 16-20, 2013 (oral).
  • Buée M. Metagenomics for Understanding Fungal Ecology in forest ecosystems. 6th New Phytologist Workshop (2012) Bridging Mycorrhizal Genomics, Metagenomics & Forest Ecology. (oral).
  • Rincon A., Coince A., Santamaría-Pérez B, Marçais B, Buée M. 2012. Diversité et structure des communautés fongiques associées au pin sylvestre le long de gradients altitudinaux en Europe. IX° Journées Jean Chevaugeon de phytopathologie/Mycologie, Aussois, France (oral).
  • Buée M et al. Metagenomics for Understanding Fungal Ecology in forest ecosystems (2012). 6th New Phytologist Workshop (oral).
  • Coince A., Santamaría-Pérez B., Rincón A., Marçais B. Buée M. 2011. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of two representative European tree species along climatic gradients. XII European Ecological Federation Congress, Avila, Spain (oral).
  • Coince A., Santamaría-Pérez B, Rincón A, Bach C, Cael O, Murat C, Marçais B, Buée M. 2011. Diversité et structure des communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens le long de gradients altitudinaux en Europe, par les approches de métagénomique. Colloque Génomique Environnemental, Lyon (oral).
  • Coince A., Santamaría-Pérez B., Rincón A., Marçais B. Buée M. 2011. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of two representative European tree species along climatic gradients. XII European Ecological Federation Congress, Avila, Spain, Septembre (oral).
  • Buée M. et al. Fungal diversity in soil forest: next-generation sequencing sheds light in the black-box. 9th International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, UK. 2010 (invited speaker).
  • Buée M. (R)Evolution de l’écologie moléculaire des champignons par les nouvelles technologies de séquençage. CFL, Université de Laval, Québec, Québec, 2010 (invited).
  • Buée M. Ecologie des communautés fongiques: vers l’analyse “Metaxonimique” des sols forestiers. Aussois-2010 Rencontres de phytopathologie/Mycologie (oral).
  • Buée M. Fungal ecology high throughput sequencing results and perspectives. Nordforsk research network meeting in Helsinki, 2009. (invited).
  • Buée M. Phylochip and 454 sequencing to assess the impact of host species on the community of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Evoltree Annual Meeting in Baden. 2009 (oral).
  • Buée M. Traceability of mycorrhizal fungi. Fungi in boreal forest – Nordforsk research network – Kick-off meeting in Tallinn, 2008. (invited).
  • Buée M. et al. Impact of host tree species (coniferous and deciduous) on the fungal diversity and the catabolic activities of ectomycorrhizal fungi. PMI-2008. Krakow, Poland (oral).
  • Buée M. Lucic E., Vincent P., Chalot M., Brun-Jacob A., Martin F. Premières données d’éco-génomique sur la mobilisation et le transport de l’azote organique par des champignons du genre Laccaria. Aussois-2008 Rencontres de phytopathologie/Mycologie (poster).
  • M. Reich, F. Martin and M. Buée. Illumination on hidden communities of ectomycorrhizal fungi! Aussois-2008 (poster).
  • M. Buée. 2007. Impact of host tree species (coniferous and deciduous) on the catabolic activities of ectomycorrhizal fungi. IOBC Dijon, France. Multitrophic interactions in soil, 4th meeting (oral).
  • M. Buée, JP. Maurice, J. Garbaye and F. Le Tacon. 2006. Influence of the host-tree (conifer versus hardwood) on the specific and functional diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi. International Conference on Mycorrhiza ICOM5, Granada, Spain (poster).
  • M. Buée, 2005. Functional diversity of ectomycorrhizal communities in the temperate forests. ECONET Workshop, Ceske Budejovive (invited).