Cécile Lorrain


PhD student in the Tree-Microbe Interactions Department, UMR 1136 INRA/Université de Lorraine, Champenoux, France

E-mail: cecile.lorrain@nancy.inra.fr

Research interest: 

I have joined the Tree-Microbe Interaction group to work on the “Functional analysis of poplar rust candidate effectors targeting chloroplasts”. As chloroplasts have central role in plant processes, pathogens may manipulate chloroplast processes to promote parasitic colonization. So far, fungal effectors targeting chloroplasts have yet to be described. A small-secreted protein of the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina was reported showing a chloroplastic localisation when transiently expressed in heterologous system. My current study aim to confirm the chloroplastic localisation in poplar leaf cells, elucidate the candidate effector protein tridimensional structure, function and role during fungal infection.


2012-2014      MSc Biotechnologies Microbiologie Aliment Nutrition Environnement, spécialité Microbiologie Environnementale & Sanitaire, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France.

2009-2012      BSc Sciences du Vivant spécialité Biologie Cellulaire, Moléculaire et Physiologie Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France.