Payen Thibaut

PhD Student

Research interests

I presently work on population genomics. The model species I study are the Périgord Black Truffle Tuber melanosporum on an intraspecific level and in the genus level I added T. magnatum and T. aestivum.


  • Since October 2011 – PhD student at INRA (Nancy, France). Ecogenomics of Interactions group of the Tree/Microbe Interactions UMR.
  • March – July 2011 – Master 2’s internship. ELEGEM team of the L.E.G.S. (Gif sur Yvette, France), on the modelisation of the evolutive history of transposable elements in the genome.


Improving prokaryotic transposable elements identification using a combination of de novo and profile HMM methods, C Kamoun, T Payen, A Hua-Van, J Filée, BMC Genomics 2013, 14:700

Reconstructing the evolutionary history of transposable elements, A Le Rouzic, T Payen, A Hua-Van, Genome Biology and Evolution 5 (1), 77-86