Deroy Aurélie

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Research interest:

I’m a pHD student in the SYMWOOD project that has the goal to study byComparative Genomics and Biochemistry of SYMbiosis and WOOD decay machineries in Fungi. My pHD study is to understand the EVOLUTION AND ADAPTATION OF THE DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM OF TRAMETES VERSICOLOR, A WOOD DECAYER FUNGUS. The main hypothesis supported by this work is that wood chemical composition is likely a major governing factor in the adaptation of these fungi to the diversity of their substrate and in particular, the rapid evolution of these networks. I focus my pHD on polymorphisms in gene coding for cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CytP450) and Glutathione-S-Transferases (GSTs) to understand molecular factors involved in the intraspecific adaptation. This project dealing with the connection of genetic variations to phenotypic variations is sustained by the complementary expertise of the different partners allowing exploration at the molecular level of environmental factors governing local fungal adaptation and developing possible applications for biorefinery and white biotechnology.


2012 (dec) : pHD in research lab “Interaction arbres-micoorganismes” NANCY

2011 (sept) / 2012 (dec) : work in research lab “Oenologie et chimie appliquée”, “Unité vigne et vin de champagne” REIMS

2011: Master 2 of Production and Improvement of Agro-resources REIMS

Others communications:

  • Impact of press fractioning on Chardonnay and Pinot noir English wine protein composition. Marchal R., Deroy A., Diemer H., Kemp B., Foss C., Robillard B., Schaeffer C. (poster, IVAS 2013)
  • Charcoal treatment on Pinot noir base wine: effect on colour, protein content and foaming properties. Parmentier M., Salmon T., Kemp B., Foss C., Deroy A., Marchal R. (poster, IVAS 2013)
  • Characterization of proteins used as wine fining agent by LC-MS analysis : application to yeast protein extract (YPE). Robillard B., Sciezkowski N., Weber C., Nisamedtinov I., Wardrop F., Deroy A., Marcelo P.,Marchal R. (poster, IVAS 2013)