A seminar on assessing management scenarios in multifunctional forestry

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Multi-criteria Analysis —

Assessing different management scenarios in the context of ‘multifunctional forestry’ (evaluating technical tools, production systems, etc.) requires applying multiple simultaneous approaches in order to fully understand the different economic, environmental and social implications. It also serves to identify typically multiple (conflicting) objectives of stakeholders in the sector.

Multi-criteria Analysis is a framework of modeling methodologies designed to support scientists in complex decision-making environments. It explicitly considers (1) criteria selected to evaluate the studied scenarios, (2) indicators for these criteria and (3) aggregation rules defining preferences between different indicators. Provided explanations for these choices makes the method transparent and ensures that a positive exchange can take place between actors involved in the problematic being studied.

Multi-criteria Analysis is currently being widely used to assess agricultural production systems. A number of tools and methods of analysis have been developed in France and have allowed for greater development of operational decision support tools. These methods have to a lesser degree also been used in the context of natural environments and forest management.

The focus of this seminar —

This seminar will examine the full range of initiatives conducted in France by researchers and R&D teams who have used Multi-criteria Analysis in the context of natural resources management and forest planning with the view of opening a dialogue about what opportunities exist for putting in place a coordinated approach for using Multi-criteria Analysis to evaluate natural resources management and forest planning.


“Multi-criteria Analysis applied to natural resources management and forest planning”

Date : 23 June 2016
Time :
8h30 – 17h00
Place :  AgroParisTech, Nancy (Salle Jacomon)
LERFOB (Catherine Collet, Mériem Fournier, Holger Wernsdörfer, Corrine Martin)
Supported by : the INRA EFPA Department and LabEx ARBRE
Contact : collet@nancy.inra.fr  or  corinne.martin@agroparistech.fr
Registration :
This seminar is open to everyone. Online registration is required, please make sure you do so before June 1, 2016 by following this link :   Registration form

For more information, follow this link to download the program — AMC2 Program