Seminar – Jürgen Nagel


A seminar by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Nagel, Northwest German Forest Research Institute (Göttingen), entitled :

Forest Growth Simulations using the Tree Growth Open Source Software

will take place on Thursday, 7 September 2017, from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm in Conference room, Centre INRA Grand Est – Nancy, Champenoux

Abstract :

The presentation will give a general overview about the architecture of the software and forest growth model for Northwest Germany. Both, the software and growth model, have been developed at the Northwest Forest Research Station with the intention to provide decision support information to private, communal and state forest managers. The growth model is a statistical single tree model which was originally influenced by the US models CACTOS and Prognosis. The development was started about 1990 when there was a significant shift in forest policy towards having more mixed and natural regenerated forest. Using the ForestSimulator as a frontend I will life demonstrate how to :

  • describe and display forest stands
  • perform thinnings
  • execute automated silviculture treatment strategies
  • calculate assortments
  • estimate biomass and nutrient loss
  • evaluate carbon sequestration
  • train foresters

Finally it will be shown how the software can be integrated into user individual software.