Job immersion simulator for the functioning of forest ecosystems.

PI: Benoit Pollier, UR 1138 – Research Unit for Forest Ecosystem  Biochemistry (BEF)

LabEx co-applicants:
Badeau (EEF) ; C. Rathgeber (LERFOB) ; M. Buée, B. Marçais, C. Bach (IAM) ; A. Dragicevic, A. Niedzweidz (LEF) ; Y. Rogaume (LERMAB)

Collaboration :
Ph. Borianne, D. Barthelemy, S. Dufour, P. Bonnet (UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
H. Goeau (INRIA, Rocquencourt)
JL Maeght (IRD, Isse-PARIS)
Mr. Aubert, F. Office, Mr. Chauvat, P. Margerie (University of Rouen, ECODIV)
G. Landmann (GIP ECOFOR, Paris)


Context –  Students are increasingly less drawn to science. Among the factors mentioned, this is due in part to the image young people have of science and to problems existing within the sector. The poor image is likely due to the commonly held opinion that research is elitist, when in fact it offers a wide and diverse selection of jobs, especially in forest and environmental sciences, which should be drawing students in from all other areas.

Objectives – The ambition of SIM-FOR is to encourage new vocations and submit an updated statement of knowledge on the functioning of forest ecosystems.

Approach – This project is planned for a period of three months and will consist of two phases: (i) development of a scenario within a pilot group made up of representatives from all disciplines within LabEx ARBRE, members of the Permanent Center for Environment Initiatives of Nancy Champenoux (CPIE) as well as a variety of actors to contribute knowledge and complementary expertise; and (ii), a quantitative assessment of technical requirements for the project and necessary funding for research. During the second phase, game creation companies will be contacted to ensure the feasibility of any proposals issued by the pilot group.

Results and expected impacts – This project seeks to generate vocations among children from ages 9 to 16, to raise awareness about the scientific approach, and to develop their appreciation for the disciplines represented within LabEx. SIMFOR may also be used as a playful introduction to the different courses offered by LabEx training structures. The game is intended to be scalable; students may also propose new modules in specific workshops. At the end of the three months, a plan to finance a computerized version of the game will be proposed.