WONV Workshop

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Workshop On Non-Market Valuation (WONV)
AgroParisTech – Nancy

22-23 June 2015


The main objectives of this workshop are to provide a forum for dissemination of high quality papers in the field of non-market valuation and to create a network. The third edition of the workshop will take place at Laboratory of Forest Economics (LEF), in Nancy. Both theoretical and applied papers dealing with stated preference methods (contingent valuation, choice experiment) or revealed preference methods (travel cost method, hedonic pricing method) will be presented. The workshop is open to both young and experienced researchers.

Keynote speakers

  • Pr. Brett Day (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
  • Pr. Stephane Hess (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Pr. Jurgen Meyerhoff (Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany)

Local scientific and organization committee: Jens Abiltrup, Serge Garcia, Claire Montagne-Huck
Coordinator: Pierre-Alexandre MAHIEU (University of Nantes, France)

Deadline — May 15th.
Cost —100€ for students, 150€ for non students
Contact: Claire Montagné-Huck ( claire.montagne@nancy.inra.fr )

For more information, visit the workshop website: www.wonv.fr/nancy-2015