ARBRE Seminar — An Interface Project ONF-INRA

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New tools for decision making in the context of climate change

23 June 2015 – 13h30
AgroParisTech, Nancy campus
Amphitheatre A


The seminar « New tools for forest decision making in the context of climate change” will take place on Tuesday, 23 June at AgroParisTech in Nancy. This is a restitution seminar concerning the ONF-INRA Interface Project entitled “Forest site, distribution, growth and tree species choice in a global change context” which is organized by the INRA Laboratories EEF, LERFOB and the Research, Development and Innovation Department of the French National Forestry Services (RDI-ONF) with support from LabEx ARBRE.

Dr. Paulina Pinto, Project Manager of the Interface Project ONF-INRA, will present the main results involving three topics related to: (i) new tools for forest site classification by bio-indication, (ii) prediction of tree species’ distribution for forest decision making in a climatic change context, and (iii) application of these new tools at forest management scale. Discussions concerning the three topics will be led by Quentin Ponette, professor at the Université Chatholique de Louvain, Olivier Picard head of RMT Aforce and Eric Lacombe professor of silviculture at AgroParisTech. This seminar will begin with an introduction by Meriem Fournier, Director of AgroParisTech, Nancy campus, and will conclude with a closing by Myriam Legay, Head of the Research Development and Innovation Department of the ONF.

For more details, follow this link —  program Seminar Interface Project 2015

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Photo credit:  M. Meuret – INRA