Highly Cited Researcher

Antonio Pizzi, a researcher in industrial chemistry with LERMAB (Laboratory of Studies and Research on Wood Material), was given for 2012-2013 the prestigious title of ‘Highly Cited Researchers’. Ranked 46th in the world of researchers in materials science, he is the first scientist from the University of Lorraine to rank inernationally as among the most cited researchers.

Each year, Thomson ISI Web of Science publishes the classification of the “Highly Cited Researchers”. This ranking highlights 250 academics in the world whose research is most frequently cited in other research articles across 21 thematic areas and over a period of 20 years. The “score” is an important measure for the researcher’s impact  at the global level and validates recognition of their work.

The research challenges for Antonio Pizzi are concentrated principally on the development of materials for industrial use made from natural materials and which are environmentally sound.  With this goal, the most notable developments that have led to international scientific awards are: plant adhesives derived from the bark of trees (used for the manufacture of wood panels), preservatives wood Biobased and ecological, natural fibre composites and insulation and floral foams based vegetable tannin. At the international level, Antonio Pizzi is recognized as the leading scientific expert in adhesives and wood adhesives. He is cited in particular for his part in the innovative discovery of welding for wood through friction (without glue). This unique method of assembling wood is of particular interest to the furniture industry and  interior carpentry.

His most cited publication (the first in this field) on chemical analysis allowing for the detection of changes in wood for treatment through heat  – a process widely used today in the industrial sector.

Research conducted by Antonio Pizzi has played an important role in the ambitious process of establishing the Lorraine region as a “European Valley of natural materials and energy”. His work also lends itself to the prioritized areas of research put forward in the convention 2013-2017 by the Lorraine region promoting public research of energy and engineering.

Contact : antonio.pizzi@univ-lorraine.fr