Wood Construction United for the Future


5th Wood Construction Forum
Palais des Congrès Centre Prouvé Nancy

April 15-17 2015


After three successive editions in Baune (Burgundy) and then last April in Besançon (Franche Comté), the Wood Construction Forum (FCB) is preparing for its next event – at the new Centre Prouvé in Nancy on April 16 & 17 2015.

The event in Nancy will be preceded by a vast exposition which will be held in Epinal on April 15, with presentations and on-site visits to architectural projects in and around Epinal, located in the Vosges.

The workshop themes will reflect issues facing architecture today: keeping production local (in France) by constructing with local tree species, building with hardwoods, designing and constructing large-scale wood structures, construction for collective housing projects, heat insulation, new construction possibilities using solid wood lamented panels, utilizing grey energy, digital modeling, and energy conservation for the horizons 2020 and 2030 ..

Co-orgainzers for the event are the Higher National School of Architecture of Nancy (ENSAN) and the Higher National Institute for Timber Technologies (ENSTIB)

For more details, please follow this link – FBC Program