ECOFOR Economic, Human and Social Sciences Network

Call for contributions for a symposium on the theme:
Multifunctionality in the forestry sector in a changing and uncertain context.

19 and 20 November, FCBA – Paris


The forestry sector is currently facing major societal challenges, prompting it to:

  • Meet multiple expectations of professionals, private users and the general public, to
  • Cope with diverse changes as well as associated risks and uncertainties, and to
  • Contribute openly and visibly to the bio-economy in the context of environmental and energy transitions.

Economic, human and social sciences have a major role to play alongside other sciences to meet these challenges. Notably they are essential for providing knowledge necessary for for decision making when weighing different expectations, integrating changes and assessing risks and uncertainties in forest-related policies and strategies, promoting more environmentally-friendly environment.

The ECOFOR Network of Economic, Human and Social sciences (SEHS) invites you to join the discussion surrounding these issues on 19 and 20 November in Paris.

This conference is aimed at researchers, managers, and all stakeholders concerned with the link between the forest and society. It will aim to address specifically concerns of members of the the ECOFOR SEHS network, but also more widely all network members who are interested in economic, human and social sciences, their applications and interdisciplinarity.

General program :
Wednesday, 19 November – 9 h 30 – 18 h 00
Thursday, 20 November – 9 h 30-17 h 00 (depending on participant contributions)

Register for the Symposium by following this link : Inscriptions

Call for contributions
This symposium is organized on the basis of voluntary contributions. You may submit proposals for such a contribution online up to October 17, 2014.

Symposium Location :
Technological Institute FCBA, 10 avenue de Saint-Mandé, 75012 Paris