The Laboratory of Forest Economics (LEF) Seminar for Young Researchers

AgroParisTech, Nancy
25 & 26 Septembre 2014
Jacamon conference room
This year, the Laboratory of Forest Economics (LEF) has organized a seminar for young researchers with the SAE2 Department at INRA to be held on 25 and 26 September at AgroParisTech, Nancy in the Jacamon conference room.
This seminar offers a valuable chance for an exchange between the department directors and recently recruited young researchers to discuss current projects, recent progress and advances and a platform for in depth discussions with senior researchers and invited guest speakers. New recently hired researchers, as well as those currently working on projects awarded funding from recent calls for proposals by the SAE2 Department Scientific Council are invited to present their work.
To download the detailed program  : Program JJC Nancy
For more information please contact Marielle Brunette: