Launch of ARBRE PhD & Posdoc Seminar

group stairs photo smallerLabEx ARBRE aims to study the functioning and productivity of forest ecosystems. The main objectives are to understand their mechanisms, to predict their responses to global changes and to identify new avenues for the preservation and valuation of these ecosystems. One of the principle strengths of LabEx ARBRE is that it is structured to bring together a wide range of disciplinary expertise to understand how forest ecosystems function and to analyze their resources, from the molecular level to the landscape level.

This symposium will highlight the work of young and upcoming researchers; doctoral and post-doctoral students working with eight LabEx partner research units. It is designed to bring together the different disciplines and levels of research and to promote an exchange of ideas through as series of presentations, workshops and a scientific poster exhibition. In this spirit of open dialogue and exchange, a conference on “talking about science” and scientific mediation will be presented by Jean-Marc Galan (CNRS, Jaques-Monod Institute, University of Paris Diderot).

This two-day seminar will take place on 8-9 September, 2014 at the INRA center in Champenoux.

For more information and the full program, please follow this link : Detailed Program