Report from the INRA Microscopistes Network

The fourth gathering for the scientific and technical network of INRA microscopistes was held from 13 to 15 November 2013 in Champenoux.  This event was supported by Labex ARBRE.


Ninety-two participants were present representing the different INRA centers. The theme of this event focused on scanning electron microscopy and analysis tools.  The base principles of these technological tools were presented followed by discussion of how samples are prepared (plant, animal, bacteria, soil etc.). The presentations and discussions between network members are linked by their focus on the use of pressure-controlled microscopes or use of microanalysis X permitting mineral elements to be located and quantified on a microscopic scale.

Hands-on workshops were held (EDS, WDS, microdissecion laser, cuts cryostat microtome, vibratome, as well as 3 mini bench top SEM) as well as guided tours of PTEF and Xylosciences platform research sites used by the different teams who work under Labex ARBRE.

For the full program details, please click here :

Report RMUI – part 1
Report RMUI – part 2
Report RMUI – part 3
Report RMUI – part 4
Report RMUI – part 5