ITS PCR-products of amplified ITS-region (primers ITS1/ITS4)
HB investigator Herbert Boyle, State Museum of Natural History Goerlitz, D-02806 Goerlitz, Germany

Inocybe spp., Inocybe geophylla var. geophylla (Sow.) Fr., Inocybe squamata (Lge.), Inocybe acuta Boud, Cortinarius bibulus Quél., Cortinarius helvelloides (Fr.) Fr.

Arrangement of probes
Lane 1, lane 13 molecular weight standard HaeIII digested X174 DNA; lane 2 negative control; lane 3 Inocybe sp. LH137; lane 4 Inocybe sp. LH187; lane 5 Inocybe geophylla; lane 6 Inocybe sp. LH59; lane 7 Inocybe squamata; lane 8 Inocybe acuta; lane 9 Cortinarius bibulus; lane 10 blank; lane 11 Cortinarius helvelloides; lane 12 blank.

Abbreviations for locations of sampling:
Cat: experimental plot 30 km south of Kiel
LH: Lammer Holz, Braunschweig, geographically distant from the experimental plot
RID: Riddagshausen Braunschweig, geographically distant from the experimental plot