MSP Msp I-RFLP profiles of amplified ITS-region (primers ITS1/ITS4)
KP investigator Karin Pritsch, Institute of Soil Biology, Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany

Naucoria striatula P.D. Orton
(syn. Alnicola paludosa (Peck) Singer); Naucoria escharoides (Fr. ex Fr.) Kummer (syn. Alnicola melinoides (Bull.: Fr.) Kuehn.), or Naucoria subconspersa Kuehn. (syn. Alnicola subconspersa (Kuehn. es Orton) Moser), which could not be differentiated ; Alnirhiza texta (unidentified mycorrhizal type), Cortinarius cf. helvelloides (Fr.) Fr.

Arrangement of probes
Lane 1, lane 14 molecular weight standard HaeIII digested X174 DNA; lane 2 Naucoria striatula; lane 3 Naucoria escharoides or N. subconspersa sporocarp; lane 4, lane 5, lane 6, Alnirhiza texta mycorrhizas; lane 7 Alnirhiza texta rhizomorph; lane 8, lane 9 Alnirhiza texta mycorrhizas; lane 10, lane 11 Cortinarius helvelloides sporocarp; lane 12, lane 13 Cortinarius helvelloides mycorrhizas.