Call for Proposals 2022

Call for proposals LabEx ARBRE 2022
Deadline to submit: 31 Octobrer, 2021

 Content and priorities of the 2022 call for proposals of Labex ARBRE in cooperation with SwissForestLab.

This 2022 call of Labex ARBRE aims at supporting original projects corresponding to the main topics developed in the program of ARBRE with an emphasis on potential breakthrough projects, or projects presenting a strong potential for innovation, training or outreach.

A particular attention will be given to (i) projects strengthening the international strategy of Labex ARBRE, in particular with members of the network Nancy-Freiburg-Zürich (NFZ.forestnet); (ii) projects demonstrating an involvement with RD&I in agreement with the French plan “Research and Innovation 2025 in the Forest-wood chain” and (iii) projects of training and dissemination that will enhance our links to industry and society.

In addition, in the application for the joint project co-funded by Labex ARBRE and the SwissForestLab both the Swiss and the French contributing teams need to demonstrate a strong mutual cooperation and a coherent research plan.

  • Eligible research/outreach topics

The research/outreach projects should address one or several of the main challenges described below (see also Annex 3 and 4):

  • Physiological, cellular and molecular responses of trees and associated micro-organisms to environmental constraints and perturbations ;
  • Functional ecology, biogeochemistry, structuration processes in the plant and microbial communities in forests ;environmental genomics ;
  • Ecosystem services (soils, biodiversity, carbon, water, recreational value) ; adaptation of forests to climate change : assessment at different scales and dynamics ;
  • Adaptive silviculture and management : dynamics of forest stands ;
  • Risk and insurance modelling (ecology, silviculture, economy, pluri6disciplinary and multi-risk approaches);
  • Development and assessment of new products and processes (qualification and non-destructive control, chemistry, building, recycling and detoxification) for an improved valuation of local resources (broadleaved wood, small or large round-woods, recycling and use of by-products) ;
  • New networks for bioeconomical valuation of forest products (environmental and economic assessment, life cycle analyses) in the context of adaptation to changing resources and markets.
  • Strengthening of citizen science for forests.

LABEX ARBRE and SwissForestLab will jointly support a common project enabling for instance to recruit two postdocs for a total of 160k€ (80 k€ SwissForestLab + 80 k€ ARBRE). This particular project should focus on the recent forest decline episodes due to climate extremes in temperate European forests) and address Labex ARBRE challenges (Annex 3) and SwissForestLab research topics and questions (Annex 4). This project should, whenever possible, include predictions based on the currently available climatic scenarios. Such proposal need be submitted to the current call following the same procedure than the internal ARBRE projects.

  • Training and outreach.

A priority of Labex ARBRE is the promotion of a tight coupling between research and training, based on the research activities and the expertise of ARBRE teams. A particular interest will be devoted to training through “Summer Schools”, and to project that involve different publics (professionals, schools, citizen), particularly through citizen science approaches.

 2. Project types and financial support.

In the frame of the 2022 call for proposals, Labex ARBRE will support :

  • 5 innovating projects that will each be granted 60.000 € maximum which corresponds to the funds for a postdoctoral researcher of for an engineer during 12 months, or to consumables, travel expenses, small equipment and work force.
  • One innovative project in cooperation with SwissForestLab will be granted 80.000 € by ARBRE and the same amount from SwissForestLab (total: 160.000€).
  • 10 starter projects granted each with 10.000€ maximum (consumables, travel expenses, small equipment, working force…).

PhD contracts will no longer be supported for administrative reasons (the current Labex ARBRE contract ends soon).

3. Eligibility criteria

  • Criteria 

Innovating projects: A special attention will be given to projects implying international cooperation, (like in the NFZ.forestnet network). However, ARBRE funding can only be allocated to member teams of ARBRE, and cooperating teams must contribute their own financial support (for instance by SwissForestLab in the case of the common project ARBRE-SwissForestLab).

We strongly advice that proponents contact ARBRE’s workpackage leaders as well as the leaders of SwissForestLab (when involved) before submitting the proposals.

All proposals should take into account the principles of gender equality in the structure of the project (offering equal opportunities to all genders in scientific leadership and in all activities), as well as in the outreach of the projects (equal opportunities between genders in the potential use of the results).

Coordination of projects by early stage researchers is strongly encouraged.

  • Expenses (this applies only to the financial contributions of ARBRE). 

Eligible expenses (they conform to the rules of Agence Nationale de la Recherche):

  • Consumables including small equipment below 4 000 € tax free ;
  • Labour directly involved in the project (post-doc contracts, short term employment contracts, or any other expense for short term personal costs).

Non eligible costs: equipment above 4000 €.

Co-financing by external bodies (ANR, SNSF, European projects, ADEME, Région Grand’Est, any other public or private body) is encouraged. This applies in particular for the salary of post-doc researchers.

 4. Proposal assessment.

Innovative projects will be analysed and assessed by international experts selected by the board of Labex ARBRE and, in the case of common projects, by the SwissForestLab. Starting projects will be assessed and selected by the members of the board of Labex ARBRE, and if needed, by international experts. The provided expertise will help the Board of Labex (complemented by representatives of SwissForestLab) make decisions for the final selection of the projects. Every proposal leader should provide five names for potential experts for his proposal (precise names, disciplines and contacts including email).

 5. Proposal language

Research and outreach projects should be written in English. Training and dissemination projects may be presented in French.

 6. Schedule and modalities

  • Launching the call for proposals: september
  • Deadline for proposal submission: october 31 2021 by e-mail to :
  • Proposal forms: please click here
  • Project selection: January
  • Payments: starting March 2022.